Im so tried

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Now in my room, my mom was banging on the door, I couldn't handle it, I was so angry and upset.

"Y/N OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW" my mom yelled at me, I just paced back in forth with my door shut.


All my emotions took over at once "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE" I screamed at her, my voice was weak. I started screaming and throwing everything around my room, knocking things off the shelves, throwing things around, then I fell to the ground. I was crying really loud, I put my head in my knees and just sat there and cried.

About 20 minutes later I was still in the same position just crying, I heard my door slowly unlock, I was to upset to lift my head, I felt somebody sit next to me and pull me to their chest. I didn't know who it was but I didn't care I sat there and just sobbed. Until I heard him.

"Made a little bit of a mess baby" he said to me whispering in my ear.

I pulled away and looked up to see Rafe holding me.

"Rafe what are you doing here" I asked standing up and backing away.

"Relax your mom called me she didn't know what to do" he said acting as if he never did anything.

"Why would you come here after everything, you've got to be dumb or something" I said shaking my head getting angry.

"Come on baby you know that when you break down like this nobody can help you but me" he said walking towards me.

"Your not the only one" I said looking down.

"Oh right JJ" he said rolling his eyes " look what he did to you y/n" he said to me

"Rafe don't play that card" I told him going to sit in my bed.

"Fine y/n I know I was a bad boyfriend at times" I cut him off "yeah you think" I snarked at him "don't give me that attitude you know god damn well I would never cheat on you" he said snarking back.

I sat in my bed , starting to cry again.
"I am here y/n" he said to me walking towards me
"Just leave Rafe" I told him pushing his hand off my back".

" I'm worried about you y/n" he said sitting next to me " just let me be here for you tonight" he said pulling me into a hug, I had literally nobody else so I layed my head on his chest and just cried until I fell asleep.

My love JJ❤️Where stories live. Discover now