17: god help us all.

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god help us all.

She had just stepped out of the shower when there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" she yelled from the bathroom.

"It's Percy love."

"You have keys don't you? Come on in. I'm just getting dressed," she said as she heard the front door open and close. She pulled a t-shirt over her head and stepped out into the living room. Percy was standing by the window, looking out.

"What's up?" Billie asked as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"I was on my way to the butchers and just wanted to pop in to talk to you about tonight," he turned and smiled.

"What's tonight? Also, butchers?" Billie chuckled as she walked to the kitchen for a glass of water.

"It's for the charcuterie board," Percy explained quickly with a wave of his hand. "I'm having a dinner."

"Who's coming?" Billie asked, slightly cautiously.

"Just the usual."

"Did you invite Sam to your birthday?" Billie suddenly remembered to ask.

"Of course not," Percy pulled a face of disgust. "Why do you ask?"

"He was there. He tried to get me to leave with him."

"Did you want to?" Percy frowned.

"No," Billie scoffed and then paused. "Rafe punched him."

Percy laughed. "How did I miss that? Excellent. I've been wanting to do that since you introduced his scrawny ass to us."

"Yeah..." Billie sighed.

"Wait why did Rafe punch him?" Percy's face lit up with interest. Billie's throat tensed up when she mentioned Rafe.

"Sam called me a slut."

"Well..." Percy made his face look pensive. Billie scoffed.

"Oh shut up Perce."

"Oh I'm just kidding," Percy pfft:d and waved his hand graciously. "Good on Rafe, he's a jolly old fellow." Percy always did sound a little like an English aristocrat. Billie grunted.

"That's not the word I'd use to describe him," Billie sighed angrily. "When's dinner? And can I bring a plus one?"


The elevator ride up to Percy's floor felt infinitely longer than usual. Maybe it was because of the blonde clinging to his arm, or the fact that he really didn't want to go to this dinner. He had bumped into Caroline on the street, and, hearing that he was going to Percy's, she sort of invited herself. He didn't have the charm in him this evening to reject her gracefully. He didn't have it in him to argue tonight. From what he remembered of Caroline from college, she always got her way.

"This is it, come on Rafe," Caroline chirped and pulled him out of the elevator towards Percy's door, on which she knocked frantically.

"Hold onto your panties," Percy said from the inside and Rafe smirked a little in response. Percy's face fell when he saw Caroline beaming outside his door. His eyes said fuck no. Then he looked at Rafe, who smiled apologetically. After Percy had greeted them, Caroline walked into the flat, her blonde curls bouncing from her confident stride. Percy pulled Rafe by the arm and closed the door behind him.

"What the fuck?" Percy whispered sharply in Rafe's ear. Rafe laughed.

"There was nothing I could've done, man. She attacked me on the street. This is basically a hostage situation," Rafe whispered back.

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