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"Hey, get down from there. You're gonna break something, son," he yells from the balcony.

"But dad. I can see aunty Sarah and uncle John B's boat from here!"

"I don't care, Will. Get down," Rafe repeats, his ring-clad finger pointing in the air.

"Let him. How else is he supposed to learn?" Billie comes up from behind him and wraps her arm around his back. Rafe smirks.

"That's what I get for marrying a Pogue. Kids with casts and a stubborn ass wife," Rafe says and kisses Billie's forehead. She chuckles and narrows her eyes to see their son leaning further from the red oak tree to see better. She purses her lips disapprovingly.

"William, come on down from there," Billie shouts. Being a dare-devil is fine. He is the son of a Pogue after all. But even Billie draws the line at falling from massive oak trees.

"Yes mommy," the boy replies and starts climbing down carefully. Rafe gesticulates towards his son.

"He never listens to me," Rafe tuts.

"Aw, baby," Billie says. "I listen to you." She bites the inside of her cheek and squeezes his ass. Rafe jumps slightly and then turns to face his wife.

"No you don't," Rafe laughs.

"No I don't," Billie smiles sweetly and pinches Rafe's chin, guiding his lips to hers.

"Mommy come down here please, I need to show you something," William says and gazes up at his parents kissing on the balcony.

"Mommy's busy," Rafe says in a deep voice, not taking his eyes off Billie as he pulls her closer to him.

"Mommy," Will says again. Billie parts their lips and looks down at the brown-haired boy dragging his feet on the lawn restlessly.

"Why don't you go get your fishing gear and I'll take you to uncle JJ's?" she proposes.

"Yeah!" Will exclaims, genuine excitement shining like sparks in his eyes. 

"Okay, hurry!" Billie smiles as the boy runs into the house. She turns back to Rafe, who grabs her waist again, hungrily, possessively.

"How many years 'til he's eighteen and doesn't want anything to do with us?" Rafe kisses her collarbone. "Twelve?" he mumbles, his soft lips drifting over her skin.

"Yeah, about that..." Billie scrunches up her nose and bites her bottom lip. Rafe shakes his head in confusion. "It's gonna be more like twelve plus a little bit more."

"What, what, what do you mean?" Rafe's eyes flick to Billie's stomach. "You're, you're?" Rafe raises his eyebrows in question. Billie bites her lip and smiles. Rafe laughs out loud as he picks her up and swings her around.

Then everything goes black.

When he opens his eyes from his dream, he is alone.

And she is gone.

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