25: some things never change.

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some things never change.

"I can't believe you're here." Sarah held her so tight she could barely breathe.

"You saw me a week ago," Billie chuckled. She'd only made it to the hallway of the new built beach house before she'd been overthrown by her blonde best friend.

"I know but now you're home," Sarah said with a shaky voice. Billie squeezed her one more time before her brother entered the hallway. Billie was surprised at how adult he looked in his own habitat. This was their house, they were getting married. Weird.

"Hello bird," John B said as Billie walked into his embrace. Although it had been literal days since they'd said goodbye at JFK airport, it felt different hugging her brother. She was home now. This was a place they all had in common. Their place. She felt how the alienation of being back slowly started rippling away. It was like old times.

"You look so grown up," Billie almost cried.

"Well I'm older than you," John b laughed.

"I know," Billie leaned forward and pulled on her brother's hair. "Is that a bald spot coming on?" she teased, receiving a punch on the arm from John b.

"No but seriously. So grown up, in your house, with your fiancée," she punched him on the arm. John B looked gobsmacked at Sarah.

"You told her?" he exclaimed.

"I'm sorry. She's my best friend what was I supposed to do?"

"She's my sister," John countered. Billie stepped between them and pulled them both into a hug.

"There's enough of me to go around my babies, don't worry," she kissed both of their foreheads. "Now, show me around."

"About that," John B said as they walked through the kitchen and out on the porch facing the water. Billie didn't have time to ask him what he meant. Furthest out on the yeti sat three figures. The rest of the Pogues.

"Hey freaks, look who finally found her way home," John B yelled, causing all their heads to turn towards them. They shot up from their seats in shouts and hollers and started running up towards the house. Kiara was first, running into Billie's arms with force and laughter.

"Oh my god," Kie exclaimed joyfully. When they'd hugged for a while, Kie stretched her arms out and looked Billie over. "I'm sorry, you're so hot." Billie laughed and pulled Kie back into a hug.

"Oh I've missed you, you weirdo."

Next was Pope, who in his black chinos and white dress shirt looked like a proper businessman.

"You look so sharp," Billie said as they hugged.

"Gotta look the part," he said with a smile.

Suddenly, the mood shifted and Billie could tell her friends all waited for what would happen next. Pope stepped aside, revealing a blonde haired familiar face behind him. JJ smiled softly as he squinted for the sun in his eyes, hands in his pockets. Billie felt her heart rate quicken. He stepped closer without a word and pulled her into a hug.

"Hello," she whispered, a soft smile spreading on her lips as she breathed in his smell - pine, the sea and just a tad of weed. She knew their friends were watching intently, although they tried to be subtle, bless them. But this was a moment she wanted to keep for the two of them.

"Hi doll," JJ whispered back and squeezed her harder, digging his chin into her shoulder.

"Missed you," JJ said, almost completely silent.

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