38: the villain of the story.

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the villain of the story.

Rafe's concentration was interrupted when there was a violent banging on the front door. He froze for a second, weighing over the likelyhood of Barry showing up here before he slowly made his way to the door.

It wasn't Barry - but a familiar looking brunette with eyes that could throw daggers straight into his gullible face. All he could think of through his shock was how beautiful she looked. He didn't mind being the center of her anger, as long as she was looking at him.

"You bought a fucking house?" Billie yelled at him and stormed past him into the house. Rafe walked after her, confused. She was standing in the middle of the living room, eyes wild as she took in the interior with a disgusted look on her face.

"I got tired of living at the hotel," Rafe said slowly with a tired face. He didn't understand why this was an issue. He didn't understand why she was here. Billie scoffed at his words. Something flicked in Rafe. Why is she here? Did she come here just to mock me?

"So you're actually going to stay in the OBX?" Billie asked with hand on her hip. She eyed him sceptically. Rafe groaned in annoyance.

"Is it so hard to believe?" Rafe scoffed and pulled his hands through his hair.

"Yes, actually, I thought you hated everything here?" Billie narrowed her eyes at him. She could see that he was getting riled up. 

He was getting defensive. She was poking the bear.

"Well I don't, Billie, okay? What's it to you anyway? I have money, why wouldn't I buy a house instead of living in an hotel in my own town?"

"Oh, okay," Billie exhaled roughly and smiled viciously. "Okay Rafe," she nodded sarcastically. Rafe looked at her with black eyes. His nostrils were flaring now and his jaw-muscles feathered with his deep breaths.

"If you have something to say, just say it," Rafe said through gritting teeth. Billie looked at him with equal parts amusement that she'd gotten to him and anger because he was getting to her. It made them both crazy.

"I have nothing to say."

"Yes you do, I know that face, Billie. Why'd you come here?"

"I actually don't have a fucking clue," Billie said and then turned around violently as his words landed with her. "You don't know my faces, Rafe."

"Oh really? You're not that fucking complicated, Billie," Rafe chuckled dryly.

"Fuck you Rafe. You're one to talk. No one believes this messed up act you have going on. Everyone's done fucked up shit. Stop feeling sorry for yourself."

"I'm not feeling sorry for myself. Are you fucking kidding me? My life's a fucking mess but I'm not feeling sorry for myself. I know how I got here."

"Really how?" Billie narrowed her eyes at him.

"Shut up. If anyone's feeling sorry for themselves it's you. Running away when things get shitty, and then procrastinating seeing your family, your friends, because you're scared they're still mad at you. People move on, Billie. Get over it."

"They were still mad at me, you asshole," Billie spat in Rafe's direction. Rafe just narrowed his eyes and let out a short sarcastic laugh.

"Oh, really? What about JJ, then? Is he still mad at you?" He gesticulated his hand towards her inquisitively. Billie was thrown off for a second.

"JJ? What? What has he got to do with anything?" Her eyebrows furrowed in surprised confusion. 

Rafe let out a laugh. He couldn't believe that she was trying to avoid talking about this. It was so obvious. 

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