next book taster.

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Here's a taster of my new story NOT BY BLOOD.

"I need a drink," she said, raising an eyebrow, and JJ smiled.

"Yes ma'am. One beer coming up." He placed a hand on Josie's lower back, directing her towards the keg. People were standing around it, mostly guys who looked like they golfed or talked about sailing. Chinos and polos and... She gulped. A pair of dark eyes met hers.

She averted her gaze and followed JJ to the keg. He was talking to some guys he knew while he poured her a cup. Suddenly, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up and her whole body tensed at the gush of hot air that brushed upon her skin.

"Slumming it already, Wallace?" His voice was a whisper. Shivers traveled down Josie's spine like a tidal wave. "I thought higher of you than to leave with the first man who gives you attention."

"Says the slut of Kildare," Josie said in a low voice. Rafe let out a hot breath through his nostrils in amusement. Josie stood perfectly still. It took everything she had not to let her back fall back to his chest. He was standing so close but yet, it was like he wasn't even there. Like he was in her head. "Besides, he's just getting me a drink. Like a gentleman."

Rafe scoffed at her obvious pointer at his own lack of honorability.

"You put on a good show pretending you hate me," he said, confidence radiating off his voice. Josie clenched her thighs.

"It's not a show, Rafe. Believe it or not, not every girl falls at your feet just because you look at them. Some girls, women," she corrected herself, "have some self-respect and see you for the conceited, spoiled, daddy's money, fuck-boy you are." Rafe let out an amused sigh through his nose.

"Earlier I found you naked in my bathroom," Rafe said, his mouth so close that his words vibrated through Josie's body as she recalled her shower that morning. He breathed in deeply through his nose. He leaned closer so she could almost feel his lips against the skin behind her ear. Through a whisper he said, "And now you smell like me."

Josie's lips parted slightly as she sucked in an involuntary breath. Knowing Rafe was waiting for her reaction, she swallowed hard and then stepped forward, joining JJ and his friends by the keg. She gave Rafe a pointed look in defiance. His brows knitted as he waited for what she was going to do.

"Make sure I don't fall on my face?" she asked JJ who's eyes went wide with excitement. He shoved the cup at the closest person and went to stand next to Josie. He rubbed his hands together and bent his legs.

"I'm ready," he said.

She placed her hands on either side of the keg and hoisted herself up to a handstand while JJ's friend put the beer line into her mouth.

"Chug, chug, chug," echoed around her as she gulped down the bitter liquid. JJ's rough hands grazed her waist, making sure to catch her if she lost her balance. Cheers erupted in the crowd and Josie let her feet fall down onto the ground as she was upright again.

"That was amazing!" JJ exclaimed and Josie laughed, silently also noting that JJ's hand was still touching the side of her waist, his arm around her. But she didn't move away. She knew who was watching, she could feel his eyes burn into the side of her face. She smirked to herself, knowing she had succeeded in pissing him off.

Rafe's blood was boiling for a reason he didn't know. He saw himself slap that Pogue's hand away from her smooth skin. He saw himself drag her with him, away from these fucking people, and bite the lips of that dirty mouth. But he stood rooted, anger evaporating off him like steam. He shouldn't have let her get to him. 

Man up, he thought and swallowed hard.

"Who's that?" Topper asked, coming up beside him. Rafe breathed sharply out of his nose, not letting his eyes off Josie and JJ.

"Rose's niece," Rafe said bitterly. Josie caught his eyes and narrowed hers in pure acidity.

"Not a fan of yours?" Topper asked, amused at the effect this new girl had on Rafe.

"This party sucks," Rafe growled and disappeared towards his motorcycle.

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