40: bad choices, good outcomes.

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bad choices, good outcomes.

"Through sickness and health, through rich and poor, 'Til death do us part," John B repeated through a shaky voice. Billie clenched her jaw until he stopped speaking, nervous that he'd say the wrong words. But he didn't and let out a sigh of relief. 

"By the power vested in me, by the sky, the stars and the sea. I now pronounce you husband and wife," the registrar said and gestured his hands towards the couple. "You may kiss your bride."

Roaring applause soared around them as they kissed. Loudest in the audience were the Pogues, all standing up on the make-shift stage with the bride and groom as best men and bridesmaids.

Billie laughed happily and caught Rafe's gaze as she brushed a tear from her cheek. His eyes looked glossy and he smiled, wider than Billie had ever seen. The moment was pure bliss. She didn't know what thoughts coursed through his head or what would happen with them. But right now, they were happy.

Right now, everything was how it was supposed to be.


"I have known John B for as long as I can remember. You're my brother man, always have been. Except for during those years I dated your smokin' hot sister," JJ said and gestured to Billie. She rolled her eyes with a smile while John B looked mildly uncomfortable at his best friend.

"But anyway... We all thought you'd gone batshit when you came back home that day and told us you'd been macking on Sarah Cameron and wanted her to join the Pogues. Remember, folks, in those days Sarah was the Kook princess and our mortal enemy." JJ turned and winked at Sarah, who looked amused and slightly worried for what would come next. No one could tell what JJ could think to say.

"Of course that didn't stop John B. And now, a decade or so later, he is simply the dude who hangs around the Pogue queen," JJ smiled as laughter spread in the room. He raised his glass.

"To Sarah and John B, because bad choices have good outcomes all the time."

"To Sarah and John B."

The bride and groom, the Pogues, Rafe and Wheezie all sat at the head table. Rafe and Billie sat opposite each other, both being siblings of the happy couple. But Billie also suspected that Sarah had organised the seating chart like that on purpose so that Billie and Rafe had to look at each other all night, in good view of everyone else. Billie's brother and ex included. Sarah always liked to stir shit. It didn't matter to her that there were several people around the table who had vouched to kill Rafe in the past. Or that John B had a track record of beating up Billie's boyfriends. Is Rafe my boyfriend? Billie suddenly realised and looked at Rafe with a slightly thrown-off expression. He noticed it and gave her a questioning look, but she just smiled mysteriously.

Fuck she's hot, was all that Rafe's brain could muster up as he took her in. Her dark hair rested gracefully on her collarbones, and she tucked it behind her ears when someone made her laugh that soft laugh of hers. And in conversation, she bit her lip in focus. Sometimes, when she was really intrigued by what someone was saying, she twirled with her earring, slightly leaning her head to the side with wide eyes. He watched her intently, taking her in. Every movement, every smile, every expression. She was like a code he would always try to decipher. There was always something new for him to quint his eyes at and imagine what thoughts circled around in that magnificent head of hers.

When the festivities were at their all time high, and conversation soared around the table, their eyes suddenly met. Billie bit her lip mysteriously and Rafe responded with a smirk.

Billie's phone lit up next to her on the table.


Stop it Billie.

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