CHAPTER II: Newcastle

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A girl ran quickly through the alleyways of Newcastle, kicking off the wall and she caught onto the edge of the fire escape. She scaled up the wall and raced along the rooftops, as she watched the bus drive by. "Damn it." She cursed as she raced off. "If I'm late again, bloody hell." She mumbled under her breath and she scaled down a drainpipe and she knocked on the window of one of her friends, and she sighed.

"Open up Covaci!" She pleaded and the window was opened, as she went tumbling into the room. "Thanks for that one. Ow." Natalia said as she was standing up, rubbing the back of her head from where she had smacked it.

"What are you doing here again? Did you miss the bus?" Matei Covaci asked as she was wiping off her pants as she looked at him before she realized that he was laughing at her. "Of course you did..."

"Oh, shut up Matei." She said and shoved him as he continued to laugh at her misfortune. "I got out of my window and up to the moors on time, but I got back into my room, when they were set to wake me up for the bus. Which set me back an hour with them shouting at me." She muttered and he sighed, as he opened his arms up with a raised eyebrow.

"We can and we will give you another ride to school Nat, but you should just start crashing around here on the full moons. It will save you stress." Matei pointed out and she shrugged at him.

"Matei! Emilia! Natalia! Time for school!" Natalia's smile was clear, as Mrs. Covaci always cheered her right up and since they were wolfbloods... they always welcomed her as one of their own.

Matei opened the door and Natalia went out first, as Emilia tackled her from the side for a hug and Natalia was laughing, as she hugged her.

"Hey Emilia." She said with a bright smile and a laugh, and she ruffled up the younger Covaci sibling's hair, and they all jogged down the stairs.

Mr. and Mrs. Covaci were hugging Natalia as soon as they spotted her and she smiled, as she felt acceptance and warmth. "Of course we will drive you to school, dear." Mrs. Covaci murmured and she handed a lunch to Natalia, as she smiled.

"Thanks Mrs. Covaci... hmm, corned beef!" Natalia said with a big smile at the familiar smell and she put her lunch in her backpack, before she swung it back onto her back.

"Come along now everyone. Into the car." Mr. Covaci stated and they all followed him, as Mrs. Covaci got a ride to work and Mr. Covaci drove.

Matei, Emilia and Natalia were all shoved into the backseat and Emilia was smirking at Natalia's bad luck, as she was squashed in between them as it were.

"First day of school. Year 9 for Matei, year 9 for you Natalia and year 5 for Emilia. I hope that you all have a great first day." Mrs. Covaci murmured and Matei smiled as he got out of the car and Natalia was out after him.

"Thanks Mum." Matei said and his mother smiled, as Natalia hugged her through the window and they walked into the school along with Emilia, who looked scared. "You'll be fine, Emilia, you'll see." Matei reassured his sister.

"Exactly. I did not have to move schools again either this year, so I will be right around, if you need anything, and so will your brother. All right? If anyone hassles you..."

"Growl?" Emilia questioned jokingly and Natalia sighed, shaking her head at the younger girl and Emilia hugged her briefly, before she ran off to find a few of her friends.

"She wasn't serious about the growling, was she?" Natalia asked out of the side of her mouth to Matei, who shook his head as they collected their schedules and went to find their lockers.

During their classes, Natalia kept feeling spitballs hit the back of her head and she glared at the people over her shoulder, but naturally they put them away by the time the teacher noticed it, and she got in trouble every time for not paying attention.

Natalia looked at the flat back of her hand as veins were beginning to grow and blacken, and Matei reached over and she held his hand in silence, and her veins disappeared as if they had never been there. "Thank you." She murmured and he nodded a little, as she stared straight ahead at the board as the teacher was scratching on it with chalk, which was excruciating for her sensitive ears.

When the torture of Math class was finally over, she went straight to the gym for TaeKwonDo, where she met up with Selina Khan. "Sorry I'm late, Selina." She called out and her friend turned around to look at her, breakin' into a smile at the sight of her.

"I have really missed you!" Selina almost squealed and she real quickly tossed her gloves to the side as Natalia went in for a hug, which Selina gladly gave.

"Oh, I have missed you too." Natalia murmured as she hugged her friend and she sighed, opening up her bag and she held up her torn-up gloves. "I forgot that my human foster parents... they tore them to pieces this morning, for me not being in my room." She said glumly and Selina chuckled, as she walked over to her own bag.

"Did you really think that I wouldn't let you have the proper equipment to continue your sort of training?" Selina asked and Natalia's eyes widened, as Selina tossed her the bag and there was all-new equipment in there, no tears or anything. "It was the set my mom kept as a reminder for us to not do TaeKwonDo. So I figured that instead of collecting all sorts of dust, that you could use it for sparring matches." Selina offered and Natalia grinned at her and once they both had their gear on, they started to spar.

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