Chapter III: Stoneybridge

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"Jimi, leave him alone." Liana snapped at the bully, who was scoffing at her sudden defensiveness over him, which surprised even Liana herself, though she would never admit it to anybody.

"Oh, look here you guys! Welshie seems to have already got himself a new girlfriend around here." Jimi said and Liana looked at him with a shake of her head.

"One more than you have ever gotten." Liana retorted and Jimi looked infuriated at her statement, as he shook his head.

"What is it to you, dirty little foster brat?" Jimi snapped as Maddy looked at Liana, who didn't even flinch, but it was clear that it had affected her, and she turned away. "Go on. Run away like you always do!" At that, both her and Rhydian reacted.

Sam and Liam were both slammed into the ground by Liana, who was mostly able to keep her wolf in check now, despite her ongoing anger issues at the current moment.

But when Liana looked over her shoulder, she heard that Rhydian was full on growling in the hallway.

She raced over and managed to grab Rhydian along with Maddy, and they dragged him into the dark room. "Hey stay calm." Liana said and Maddy just locked the door. "Rhydian, look at me." She said and his eyes were struggling between gold and brown.

"You have to get out! What are you doing, you have to get out of here now!" Rhydian was pleading and she shook her head.

"Mads, stay behind me and whatever you do, do not open that door." Liana ordered and Maddy nodded slightly at her words, as Rhydian staggered back and he knocked over a shelf in the dark room, as he was pinned under it.

Rhydian threw off the shelf and Liana's eyes flashed, as she planted herself firmly in between Maddy and Rhydian, as Maddy was standing next to or rather now "in front of" the only door in or out of the room. "Rhydian."

"I'm so sorry." The wolfblood stated right before his eyes glowed yellow as they widened and within seconds, he was standing as a wolf in the middle of the dark room.

Liana looked around at the mess of the dark room that he was making all around them. "Mads, don't let anyone in." Liana ordered and she crouched on the floor, as she allowed her veins to creep up all along her body, from toes to face and she looked up at Rhydian, who whined in clear shock at the sight, before she shifted.

Liana's bones cracked and reshaped as she stood on all fours, as a eurasian wolf. Dark brown top fur with a lighter brown underbelly and a slight bit of cream between her ears, as she walked forward and she looked at Rhydian, as she was about the same size as his wolf and he looked at her with confusion in his eyes.

Liana turned to look at Maddy, who crouched and she showed him yellow eyes as well, as she looked back at her fellow wolfblood with a soft growl of questioning, as she backed up and he was crouched on the floor again as a human as across from him, Liana also returned to her human form.

"You all right now?" Liana asked and he looked over at her, and she raised her eyebrows to reinforce the question, before he nodded slightly at her words. "Good." She muttered and as Maddy's eyes returned to normal, she looked over at her adopted sibling. "You can unlock the door now and we will figure out how to explain why there is a shelf down and bloody boxes everywhere." She muttered and she shook her head slightly.

"I knew that there was something about you two. You're like me." He said and Liana nodded a little. "But when your eyes went-- and you turned completely-- it's true, isn't it? You two are like me."

"Yes we are. Did you think that you were the only--" Liana started to ask questions, but Maddy interrupted her and started to harshly berate Rhydian once again. "Here we go." She said.

"No, we are not like you. We don't show off, and pick fights, and invade other pack's territory." Maddy snapped harshly.

"Maddy, wait..."

"No, Lia, I'm sick of waiting! He has to know the rules! You have to leave, now, you cannot stay here on our pack land and risk all of us!" Maddy snapped as Rhydian looked seriously hurt and as a former foster kid, Liana recognized that look. "You're a danger to us all. And the sooner you leave, the better."

"Maddy Smith!" Liana snapped at her sister, as Rhydian stormed out of their dark room and Maddy looked at her as Liana shook her head. "There is something else going on here and I'm going to find out what." She said and she ran after Rhydian.

Rhydian raced off at wolfblood speed and Liana caught up to him soon after and she sighed.

"Rhydian, hold up!" She shouted at him and he looked over his shoulder once he realized it wasn't Maddy. "She doesn't speak for all of us, you know." Liana said as she caught up and she walked with him.

"Why do you care?" He asked as she caught onto his arm and he stopped at the sudden and surprising strength of her grip.

"Because I was in your same position once too." Liana explained as his eyes were widening. "Are you the new kid at the Vaughans?" She asked and he looked at her, as he nodded and she sighed. "I get it. They sent me there too, before the Smith's smelled me out and they adopted me, so that I would not get thrown into another foster home with humans as parents." She said and after Maddy caught up, they were all racing through the woods at a fast pace.

They all went down in a heap and they rolled down the hill, where the badger watch was being held.

After the K's tried to get Rhydian to like them, they had inadvertently had gotten them to all leave and Liana had already left, waiting in the woods for Maddy and Rhydian.

Town or City |Wolfblood|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora