CHAPTER XIII: Stoneybridge

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At Bradlington High, they were watching a performance by Kay and her street-dancing group. Maddy was seeming a little too interested in it, as Rhydian tried to convince her to tame her wolf-self, but it was not really working all that well.

"Maddy." Liana growled under her breath at the realization and Rick was shaking his head.

"This is definitely not going to end well." Rick muttered under his breath as Maddy was growling quietly and at the sound, Shannon was looking up at them.

Maddy raced up onto the stage and she started dancing, copying Kay and eventually, just making up her moves as she went and to Liana's shock and horror, Maddy's eyes had gone golden yellow.

"Oh no." Liana whispered as Maddy was dancing and she shook her head, as she spotted her eyes flashing gold and she pulled out her phone. "I need to call the Smiths. Now." She said very softly and she moved past Rick, whose eyes flashed briefly and she glared at him.

"Veins." He murmured and she cursed, as she looked at her hands and she shoved them into her pockets as she walked out of the auditorium.

"Maddy Smith, despite that being very entertaining, your behavior is totally unacceptable. Acting out, it's not cool..." Poor Mr. Jeffries was now trying to chew Maddy out, and failing consistently as everyone, thought that she had been so cool to do it. "You are walking on very thin ice with us right now, young lady." Jeffries finished and Liana shook her head at Maddy.

"You almost lost it." Rhydian muttered to Maddy, as Rick and Liana caught up to them as Liana shook her head at Maddy.

"I had it under control." Maddy said sharply as Rick shook his head at the words of denial.

"Bullshit." Rick muttered and out of complete nowhere at the insult, she'd growl and Maddy spun around with no warning and she slapped him.

Rick's head moved back to face forward and Maddy walked away before Mr. Jeffries could say anything to her about it, as Rick shook his head to clear it.

"You didn't deserve that." Liana mumbled and he shrugged, as he walked over to his locker.

"It isn't the first time that someone has slapped me." He muttered at the tone that was considered quiet for a wolfblood to speak at, as she sighed and shook her head.

"Still doesn't make it right." Liana pointed out as she grabbed her bag and they went to the cafeteria.

"I got invited to their birthday party a while ago." Rick noted casually and he raised his eyebrows, as they all stared at him. "What? I am the quiet guy, the three bumbling idiots probably wanted to see if drinks could get me to spill a few things." He said with a shrug and they all looked at him. "I'm not that stupid."

"That's a bloody relief." Liana muttered and after Shannon had insulted Maddy, she had left to storm off and Liana sighed. "Well done, Shannon. I mean really." She said coldly and Shannon sighed.


The next day at school, Maddy was dressed up like the three K's and Rick nudged Liana. "What?" She asked and he nodded at Maddy. "Holy, by my bloody hell." She said and shuddered at the sight of her.

"Maddy Smith. Just curious as to who dressed you this morning. Was it Lady Gaga, perhaps?" Mr. Jeffries asked and Liana shook her head at a moment too late.

"Who dressed you this morning, sir? Your grandma?" Maddy shot back and Liana shook her head.

"Maddy, stop it!" Liana exclaimed to her sister, who looked at her with the roll of her eyes.

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