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Natalia and Matei were playfully shoving one another as they met up with Emilia for lunch to revise for their exams and for Natalia to help Emilia with her Literature exam studies for the day.

"Why do they even have exams for Year 5? It doesn't even make any bit of sense." Emilia complained and while the two girls sat down and they opened their books, Matei got them their lunches.

"That's what I thought in Year 5. But I had my fifth school in that year so you know. A little bit different." Natalia pointed out and she started speaking of terms, as Emilia sighed.

"Emilia, she cannot help you if you don't listen to her." Matei pointed out and he came back to their small table and he was currently juggling, three full trays of food.

"Sorry." Natalia said and she moved everything over and took her tray of food from him, so that he could put a tray in front of Emilia and also put his down onto the table. "These are heavy Matei, are we eating bloody bricks for lunch?" She questioned and he shook his head.

"Very funny." He muttered as they all dug into their food, with Natalia going and quizzing Emilia between bites.

"A person, place or a thing." Natalia spoke up around a mouthful of pasta and sauce.

"Noun." Emilia sounded extremely bored and frankly, Natalia could not blame her. But they did not have any way to avoid the Year Five syllabuses unfortunately, or Natalia would have found it by now.

"An action, occurrence, or a state of being." Natalia read out of the book in front of her and Emilia rolled her eyes at the question.

"Verb." She sounded grumpy.

"Explain and give ten examples of an adjective." Natalia stated and Emilia's growl was clear.

"Emilia. Stop that." Matei said under his breath and Emilia glared at him in a state of annoyance, but she nodded a little.

"An adjective is descriptive words or a manner of speaking, and they are often used to describe a situation or a feeling. Examples being; good, new, first, last, long, great, little, public, same, able, old... that was eleven, wasn't it?"

"The more answers and the more examples that you can remember and write down on the exam, Emilia, the better." Natalia pointed out and she had a smile on her face, as she looked back down at the list of questions. "All right... make up a scenario where you use three adjectives, two verbs and at least 3 nouns. Write it down on a piece of paper and finish this question last." Natalia spoke and Emilia was already writing on a piece of paper and Natalia looked at the book, and she felt a hand on top of hers and she briefly flinched, before she realized it was Matei.

"Thank you." He tapped onto her hand and she nodded slightly, as she moved her hand over a bit, as her veins retreated.

"Did I scare you?" Another nod was the response and he gently squeezed her hand in his and she was finishing up her food and afterward, he let her finish off his food.

"Thank you." She tapped and he nodded, as she looked at Emilia's paper and she chuckled. "Nicely done Emilia. You will have these bloody exams done for good in no time." She spoke aloud and Emilia grinned and Matei started to work very quietly on science with her.

They split up after lunch and Natalia went to her Sciences exams, while the other two went to their own. Natalia looked at her hands, checking them to make sure that she wasn't veining up without realizing as she looked down at the desk, remembering that her worst subject was Sciences.

Natalia flexed her fingers quickly, briefly before the exam started and she swiftly flipped open the booklet when the time started.

Natalia felt everything start to blur together and to her horror, her veins were starting to show as the stress of the exam was getting to her. She shut her eyes and fought the stress as hard as she could, and she pushed back on the veins as hard as she could, trying to stop the wolf.

Natalia stood up and bolted from the room, ignoring the examiner's calls to her and she ran down the corridors as swiftly as she could. Natalia ran into the janitor's closet and she slammed the door behind her and she was both shaking and shuddering, as her veins crackled all over her.

"Natalia?" The examiner sounded concerned and Natalia was shaking on the other side of the door.

"I'm all right, Miss." Natalia lied through her teeth, literally since she felt fangs growing in her mouth.

"You should come back out then and finish the exam." The examiner stated and at the mention of it, black veins were reappearing and she was growling again. "Natalia?"

"Miss, maybe I should talk to her. I will bring her back to the class after she is calmed down again." Natalia's eyes shut with clear relief and she let out a very quiet exhale at the familiar voice.

"All right. Just bring her back before the exam is over please, Mr. Covaci." The examiner stated and as soon as she had walked away, Matei opened the door and walked into the room.

"What's wrong?" He asked and she shook her head and she was still very much shaking. "Come here." Matei said and she walked into the hug, as she rested her head on his shoulder and he moved his arms around her.

"I panicked. I don't know why, but I did. I studied on my own, and I also studied with you. So, what the bloody hell happened?" She whispered under her breath and he sighed, shaking his head.

"I don't know, Nat. But this panic attack won't stop you from doing this exam, I know it." Matei murmured as she nodded slightly.

Natalia checked her arms and she looked at her face in the reflection of her cell phone screen, just to make sure that no veins were showing and he shook his head. "You all right now?" He questioned and she nodded and he looked up to listen, as the bell rang and Natalia smirked a little bit.

"Whoops. Looks like the exam is over." She said and he laughed a little bit, as they walked out of the closet as they both walked toward the Sciences area.

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