CHAPTER XV: Stoneybridge

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|Bradlington High,

Weeks later|

"You couldn't get out of coming to school either?" Liana mumbled the question to Rick, who shook his head as he yawned as he leaned against the wall and he would scratch the back of his neck, as his jaw was forced open by another jaw-breaking yawn.

"I tried, believe me." Rick muttered and Liana, she was half asleep against the wall. "Hey, stay awake." He said as she grunted in complaint, but she forced her eyes to stay open and he was a foot away and she jumped, backing up. "You awake now?" He asked.

"You're horrible." Liana grumbled as Maddy and Rhydian trudged over to them and the four wolfbloods, they all looked absolutely miserable. "I would have stayed home, if only Maddy hadn't pulled the "It's not fair that I have to go and she doesn't" card on our parents." Liana mumbled and Rhydian was chuckling, as he nodded up to the roof where their football trophy was sitting.

"You mean soccer, right?" Rick asked and they all looked at him with annoyance in their facial expressions, as he sighed and the crane got the trophy down, as the students cheered for the people who had "saved their trophy" off of the roof and Liana was asleep against the wall, snoring and all.

"Liana." Rhydian said and he swiftly nudged her in the ribs, but the girl simply rolled to the other side and she was back to sleep. "Liana." He said again and Liana opened her eyes with a low growl at him, as she shut them again. "Rick, any ideas?" Rhydian asked and Rick sighed, as he held out their bags to Rhydian and Maddy.

Rick grabbed Liana by the arm and he started pulling gently, until she toppled off of the edge and she growled in annoyance. "Fine. Fine, I'm up." She growled under her breath and she was getting up and wiping off her pants and jacket, as she retrieved her bag from Maddy and she sighed, trudging into the school with the others.

"It only gets worse, the longer you've been transforming." Rick pointed out to Rhydian and Maddy, who were grumbling at Rick's constant reminders and Liana was half asleep, nearly asleep as she walked along with them

"Is that why Liana looks like death?" Maddy asked and Liana growled quietly at her.

"She always looks like she is dead. That's why we avoid her like the plague." Kara said and Liana's growl was clear, as Rick shot Liana a look and Kara sprayed perfume all around Liana and the girl looked disgusted by it. "Now it smells bearable in here." She declared and Liana lunged forward, as Rick and Rhydian restrained her quickly and she struggled, before she gave up and stopped fighting them both.

"I hate her." Liana mumbled as she tried to shake off the scent by running, only to remember that she didn't have her standard abilities of wolf speed. "I really do and that perfume is not at all, helping matters." She growled and they all went into the dark room, as they were early for class and had time to do so. "Lock the door, Mads." She advised and her sister did so.

"Anyone else think that we should just ditch and run while we still can?" Rick asked as he sat on the edge of the desk, while Liana was pacing around the dark room, trying to keep herself awake and she sighed quietly.

"I'm up for it." Rhydian admitted and Maddy shook her head at their words.

"We shouldn't be talkin' about skipping like this. We could get in serious trouble." Maddy murmured and Liana looked at her sister like she was absolutely going insane. "What? Why are you looking at me like I'm crazy?" She asked and Liana yawned.

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