CHAPTER X: Newcastle

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"The day after the full moon bloody sucks, always." Natalia grumbled and she came out of the cellar with Matei, Emilia and their parents. "Guess I have to get back to the cigarettes and alcoholics." She muttered.

"Can we stay home from school? Please Mum?!" Emilia pleaded with her mum and dad, but they both knew exactly the answer it would be.

"No, young one. We can't let you do that every month, people would get too suspicious of us all. All of us and you know that. I know that you know that." Mrs. Covaci was pointing out, as Natalia ducked swiftly into the bathroom to shower and change.

Natalia came back out in her clothes and she yawned, as she walked rather casually out and she snagged some of the pot-roast from the cooking pot, as she started to eat and she quickly was asking for more. Which was rather unsurprising, considering that her foster parents rarely fed her at all and the Covacis were still fighting hard for the rights to get her removed from the home that she was currently in.

The Covacis had decided to let them stay home and Natalia was half asleep on the air mattress on the floor, as she was yawnin'. "You are exhausted after the full moon, aren't you?" Matei asked and she yawned more and she nodded, as he was spinning around in the wheelie chair at his desk. "Come on. I'm not going to do this project all by myself." He said and despite her yawning in protest, she got up anyways and she brought the other chair over.

She sat down and stared at the screens in front of her. "Literature? It is my best subject." Natalia was quietly pointing out and Matei was nodding, and she shoved his chair out of the way not-so-gently and when she took his spot in front of the laptop and desk, poor Matei was on the floor and the chair was overturned.

"Ow." He complained and she raised her eyebrows, as she looked over her shoulder and winced.

"I'm sorry." She tapped onto the desk as she was typing on the laptop, as she listened to rock music in her ears and she was typing.

Matei stood up and he brought the wheelie chair over again, as he leaned over her shoulder to watch as she was typing, trying to figure out what she was typing about.

Natalia eventually stopped typing on the keyboard as then she looked over at him, and Matei's head was on her shoulder and he was snoring a bit and she was smiling a little.

Natalia thought about it for a second in a solemn silence, before she tapped out something that she hadn't said to anyone since her first and original foster family had thrown her out onto the street and eventually, she had ended up back in the system.

"I love you." She tapped on his shoulder and he didn't wake up, as she leaned her head against the desk and she was also asleep by the end of it and neither of them were prepared for what happened next.

Natalia woke up to the sound of howling and the smell of smoke, as she snapped awake and she woke up Matei with a hard shove. "Get up! It's a fire!" She shouted at once as his eyes were alert at once, as the howling was his parents.

"Emilia!" Matei shouted and he managed to kick open his door, but the flames were coming up the stairs and he looked around. "Emilia!" He shouted again and Natalia managed to transform, as she crawled through the black smoke to get to Emilia's room.

"Emilia!" Natalia shouted and she managed to get the door open, as the younger girl was screaming and she was howling. Matei managed to get into the room as well, as just when the fire got into Emilia's room, they managed to get out of the window.

"Mum! Dad!" Matei shouted and Natalia restrained him from going back inside, as the fire engines had shown up and the house was collapsing. "Mum! Dad!" He shouted and his voice cracked, as Natalia saw the agony on his face and she hugged him and Emilia, as Emilia had burns on her face and Natalia hugged them both.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered and they were both sobbing, as they were trying to keep themselves together.

Natalia spotted the Segolia officials and they were looking at each other and they walked straight over to them as Natalia growled sharply at them, as she stood in between the Covacis, and the Segolia wolfblood pack. "Leave us alone." She growled menacingly and they all looked at each other.

"You will all be moved into new foster homes. Natalia, you will be staying with Imara Cipriani and her son TJ, who I believe, is now of similar age to you." Victoria Sweeney was the head of security and the alpha female wolfblood of Segolia, as Natalia growled savagely and she felt Matei's hand in hers and the shock was still setting in.

"Let them have a moment before you separate them, Victoria. Can't you see that they are terrified and scared?" Imara asked and they were looked shocked at her intervention as she was growling at Victoria, who was looking at them.

"Fine." Victoria muttered and they were all walking away, as they were being taken to the hospital for a check up, and for Emilia's facial burns, to be looked at.

Natalia sat with Matei in the waiting room and he hadn't let go of her hand since the fire and he was trembling a bit.

"I'm right here, Covaci. I won't leave until I know that you are both okay, I promise." She tapped out as she was moving her arms around him and he leaned his head against her shoulder, as he was crying silently and she had tears of her own in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.

"Thank you." He tapped out and she shut her eyes as her tears ran down her cheeks, and she nodded slightly at his words.

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