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Natalia thought that she was being sneaky back into the Cipriani house getting back from Stoneybridge, but then she was walking through the house with quiet footsteps and thought that she was home free...

"Going somewhere?" Natalia cursed audibly as Imara Cipriani flicked on the lights and Natalia at that moment, she knew damn well, that she was sunk and that Imara had every right to want to kill her.

"I had to do something." Natalia tried to explain, despite knowing that she most likely would not, would not be allowed to speak after what she had just been caught sneaking back into the house and Imara growled at her.

"There were cameras, who caught sight of you leaving from Stoneybridge of all the places to find a city wolf! You cannot just run off to small towns on your own for no reason at all. SIT DOWN!" At Imara's order, Natalia froze in place and she did so, as she was hesitant to make Imara angry, remembering all of the other foster families that she had mistakenly made angry.

Natalia's hands were on the table and they were beginning to vein up, as she was frightened and getting worse. "I cannot have the foster child in my home, running away constantly to help her own agenda and setting a bad example for my son and others around us!" Imara snapped as Natalia swallowed and she nodded slightly. "You are grounded young lady, and you are not to leave the property again!" Imara snapped.

"Can I go?" Natalia asked quietly and the alpha wolfblood of the house was looking disgusted with her, as she was waving her away, as Natalia raced up to her room.

She shut the door and she dialed a phone number immediately, as she slid down to sit on the floor in front of the door, and she silently pleaded for the person on the other end to pick up the bloody phone.

"This is Matei Covaci. Leave your name and number, I'll phone you back when I can." The voicemail said and Natalia simply hung up the phone without leaving a message, as she was choking up suddenly and she was not too sure as to why.

Natalia got out of her window, since she was grounded until otherwise she was notified, and she was climbing up onto the roof which was still "Imara's property" and, therefore, she was not actually breaking any rules.

She looked up at the dark sky and at the moon, before she tipped back her head and let out a howl. It was more of a longing howl then anything, for the freedom of the Wild and yet, she was torn between them because of her friends in the Covacis and in Liana Morris.

She dropped her head after the howl had run its course and also, after she needed a breath and she growled at a hand coming over the rooftop.

"It's me." Natalia dropped her head suddenly in clear embarrassment and she stopped growling, and she helped him up onto the roof. "You all right? I heard the howl." He questioned as she looked at him very briefly, before she moved closer to get a hug.

Matei moved his arms around her swiftly as he felt her shuddering with some sort of negative emotion and he sighed, as she was nearly crushing his ribs, but he wasn't going to be the first to say something about it.

"Over the years, the Wild Pack has been coming to visit me. Over, over and over again. I used to want to be back with the Wild Pack, but my mum, she never wanted me back in the pack. Now when she insisted to me that they actually need me back, it... it hurts to feel the pull between two worlds." She murmured quietly and Matei looked at her, and she was staring at the rooftop tiles.

"Are you going to go back to the Wild then?" Matei asked and his eyes were glowing briefly, until she sighed quietly and he leaned down so that their foreheads touched.

"I'm not leaving the city for the Wild Pack, Matei. That time, has past." She murmured and he was smilin' a bit as he was clearly glad to hear it. "Besides if I left, who would be around to take all of the blame for you and Emilia's messy shenanigans?" She asked and he scoffed, as she smiled and she put her head on his shoulder.

"You're hilarious. Where did you go anyway?" Matei asked and she looked at him with a sigh.

"Stoneybridge. Where I found out that... one of my old wolfblood friends had been adopted by a wolfblood pack family and has been for the past five years." Natalia mumbled and he sighed, as she dropped her head a bit at the words. "Also, she goes to school with an American foster kid that was shipped off because his uncle didn't want him." She said and Matei looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"I don't get the significance of the statement." Matei admitted and she chuckled softly.

"He's an American yes. He is an American wolfblood, Matei." She murmured and he chuckled softly at her words, as he nodded and he took her hand in his. "Love you." She said quietly and he smiled at her, as he kissed her forehead and she leaned her forehead against his and they stayed that way for a long time.

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