CHAPTER XXV: Stoneybridge

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Liana was facing off with Rhydian who was growling savagely, trying to get them out of his way and Rick had jumped one of the fences and he was right next to Liana, as they blocked him from going any further.

"Rhydian, just stop man. We're just trying to help you." Rick growled at him and Rhydian glared at him, as he tried to push past him, but Rick stood fast and he growled. "You are going to have to fight me, to get past me Morris and that isn't going to go well." Rick didn't need to make his voice filled with threats, he just needed the wolf to come out and Rhydian shoved him hard.

"Get out of my way!" Rhydian snarled and Liana shoved her brother away and she got in between them, as she was trying to keep a fight from erupting.

"Rhydian, calm down. Just come back... come and eat some food with us and then you can decide afterward what to do, all right? Just stop being so confrontational and come with us, be rational about all of this." Liana murmured and Rhydian's veins were flashing, before they disappeared and he nodded swiftly.

Rhydian followed the two of them together as they walked quietly back into the Smith house and Maddy was sitting at the table.

Liana and Rick sat across from Tom and Mrs. Smith as both Shannon and Maddy were talking, while Rick went to help Mr. Smith with cooking.

Rick and Mr. Smith brought over the food and Liana eagerly dug into their big meals of food, and she was eating quickly. "Pet, you don't need to eat everything at the table. Save some for the rest of us." Mrs. Smith said and Liana looked down at her plate as it was already empty and she looked at Mrs. Smith, who smiled at the sight of her. "We can always make more."

Rick was doing the same and he was also eating a bunch, but he had a very good excuse of not eating a lot at his foster parents' house, who would just rather starve him, collecting fostering cheques and he swiftly switched his plate with Maddy, who was handing the rest of her food to him since she was not overly hungry.

"Well, time for school..." Mrs. Smith was sayin' before she was interrupted before she finished, right before there was a pounding knock on the door.

The wolfbloods were snarling at the door at once, before Liana sniffed at the air. "It's all right." She insisted as she opened the door and Natalia was standing there.

"Am I late?" Natalia asked and Liana shook her head, as she hugged her old friend. "Okay. Rhydian what the bloody hell did you do to piss off both of my siblings and Alric to boot?" Natalia asked and Rhydian sighed.

"Why in hell do you even care what rule I broke?" He asked and Natalia's eyes flashed when she looked at him, and then her eyes went to Liana.

"Because when I run for hours to help out my oldest friend outside of the wild pack, when she is in tears, terrified of losing her brother, then I need to know what is going on." Natalia snapped at him and Rhydian flinched a little bit.

"Don't you have school, young lady?" Mrs. Smith asked and Natalia looked at her.

"I do online schooling. I've almost finished my year 11 and I am starting Year 12. I'm gonna be graduating a full year early. Maybe even more. Any other questions?" Natalia's tone made it clear that she wasn't going to be too keen on answering any more of her questions. "Liana, Rick, Maddy, Tom and Shannon can go to school. I'm not going to stop badgering Rhydian about this, until I know why my siblings are hunting a teenaged wolfblood." She was stubborn and it was showing, as Rhydian growled at her, but she stood in the doorway with a fierce glare on her face.

A few days later after Rhydian had showed up for school, Natalia came racing in out of nowhere and she slammed into Meinir and Aran, swiftly tackling her siblings to the ground and she came up on her feet, growling loudly at them.

They looked at each other and then back in the direction of Natalia, who stood between the three of them and Rhydian, who was standing at her shoulder with a low growl of fury at the sight of them so close to the human world. "You should never have come here, brother and sister." She growled and the two looked prepared to leave, before Alric snarled and they lunged at them. "Run Rhydian!" She snapped and shoved him inside, as Alric picked her up from behind and she was snarling, but he managed to throw her into a brick wall on the side of the school, as she tried to get up, but she felt her ribs slowly trying to knit themselves back together.

Meinir and Alric had run into the school first to chase after Rhydian, while Aran waited until they were out of sight before he raced over to Natalia. Natalia had managed to pull herself up into a sort of sitting position and she winced, as her hand was against her side where her ribs were painful and trying to knit themselves back together. "You should not have interfered." Aran said and Natalia growled at him.

"You never should have come to the human world, brother. You know this, as does Meinir. You must convince Alric to leave, surely Rhydian Morris of all the wolfbloods, is not worth revealing the secret for." Natalia argued and she could see in her elder brother's eyes that he agreed with her, as he growled and raced off into the school after Alric and Meinir.

Natalia limped into the auditorium after Alric, Aran and Meinir had left and she was hugged by Liana, who was smiling a little bit. "You got them to leave." Liana noted and Natalia shook her head a bit.

"Family and the pack, they are one and the same in the wild. All I had to do was convince Aran that it wasn't worth revealing our secret to the world in order to catch or kill Rhydian Morris. No problem." Natalia grumbled and her phone rang out loudly in her pocket. Natalia grabbed it and walked outside. "Natalia speaking."

"Where are you?" Natalia sighed at Imara Ciprani's very familiar voice on the other end of the line and she sighed. "You should return home, your pack needs you here." Imara stated and Natalia's eyes glowed at the mention of her pack, as she looked back at Liana and the others in the doorway of the school, watching her and Natalia nodded slightly.

"I'm on my way back home now." Natalia said and she hung up, as she shook her head and she bolted off running down the street.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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