CHAPTER XVI: Newcastle

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"Full moon tonight." Matei pointed out to them and it was as if they didn't already all feel it affecting them as it usually does.

"It happens once in every single month of the year, Matei Covaci, have you noticed the pattern? Staring at brick walls again, again and again, every month?" Natalia asked harshly and it was more harsh than she ever meant it to be, as she was dropping her head to stare at the floor. "I'm sorry. I just haven't heard from my family in months." She mumbled and Matei sat next to her, as she moved over and she hugged him in silence.

"I understand." Matei murmured as he was fidgeting with the ring on the string around his neck and she looked at it.

"Hand me the ring." She said quietly and her palm was open, as Matei took off the necklace and he handed it over to her and she shut her eyes briefly, as her veins crept up her neck and she'd open her eyes as they glowed yellow.

"Are you seeing something?" Matei asked quietly and she nodded a little bit, as she smiled at whatever she was seeing.

"The hikes, the long walks. All of you wolfing out in the cellar and then if it was sometimes too late to get home, it was your only option to wolf out here and just start running, to be totally free of all of the standard limits." She said and she saw Matei was crying, as she squeezed his hand in hers and she took a quiet breath in silence.

She gave the ring back to him and he moved his arms around her in a quiet hug, and he was trembling with tears and emotions.

Then suddenly, they both heard a chilling howl and Matei growled a bit and he spun around in a circle, as his tears were replaced by hardened gold orbs.

"Wait, Matei, I know that howl," Natalia looked up as she was searching around. She dropped into a crouch and her hand touched the dirt, as she inhaled and her eyes glowed in gold, and she waited for the images to take shape in her mind. "Got her. You need to stay here, Matei, she won't be at all too kind to what the Wild Pack would call "Tame" wolfbloods." She said and he nodded in understanding, as she stood up, bolting off swiftly to find the source of the howl.

"Ceri! I know that you are out here, I have not forgotten anything!" She was callin' out and she stood in the middle of the clearing, as she waited and the older woman leapt out of a tree as she grinned.

"Natalia!" Ceri murmured and they hugged quickly, their foreheads touch together in the traditional wild pack, wolfblood greeting.

"Ceri... why have you come?" Natalia asked softly and she walked alongside the wild wolfblood that had been one of many to have helped to raise her as a child when her mother was too busy to do it herself. "And why of all times, on a full moon?" She asked and Ceri's eyes glowed.

"I need your help to find my elder son." Ceri murmured as Natalia's eyes shot wide open, looking quite a bit like some small moons. "I need you to come with me, so that you can be interacting with the humans to keep them away from Rhydian and I." Ceri murmured and Natalia sighed softly, as she looked at her veins and they were beginning to show, as the moon began to rise.

"Look, Ceri, I have responsibilities in the city now. I have a pack. I can't just run off--"

"You are a member of the Wild Pack! You can use the Eolas and you can perform Ancien. You can't just abandon your people. If Aran or Meinir take over the pack, then you are next in line after whichever doesn't get the alpha position. You cannot abandon us." Ceri snarled as she looked at the girl, and Natalia was shaking her head at her.

"I help you find your son and I am free. Promise me that." Natalia said sharply as she felt the wolf struggling to break out.

"Fine!" Ceri snarled and they both transformed and they were howling at the moon, as they raced off into the woods and out toward the small town, that Ceri had found her eldest son in.

To Natalia's shock, she saw that there was six wolves running through their woods already and she sniffed the air.

One was a medium-sized eurasian wolf that smelled female from Natalia and her nose. The next one was a gray wolf, a male from the scent of it.

A trio of timberwolves, they were obviously a family of wolfbloods and the last one was a golden-brown furred wolf that had white on his belly and Natalia had the sense that by Ceri's growling, that was Rhydian.

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