CHAPTER V: Stoneybridge

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Liana was half asleep on the couch in the living room, as she was exhausted and dead exhausted after the total craziness that had happened in the past week with Rhydian arriving in town.

She was woken up by Maddy, who was groaning with annoyance at the fact that they had missed the bus. "I'm sorry Mads." Liana mumbled and her sister shrugged, as they had gotten a ride with Mrs. Smith by the time that Liana had gotten ready for school.

"The next time that you two miss the bus, you can walk to school. All right?" Mrs. Smith wasn't really too keen on asking, as the two girls both knew that it wasn't a question.

"If we ran, Mrs. Smith, we would always get to school before the bus even arrived." Liana pointed out as she grabbed her bag as she swung it over her shoulder. "Thanks for the ride, Mrs. Smith." She stated and as they were walking in, they heard the loud honking of a horn.

"Tell him Wednesday is hog roast night!" Mrs. Smith shouted out of the car window and Liana looked rather embarrassed, but not so much as Maddy, who looked like she wanted to kill her mother for that.

"She loves you, Mads." Liana pointed out and Maddy yawned, as Liana walked into the classroom ahead of her and she dropped into her seat next to Rhydian, who looked over at her with a small smile, as the class filed into the room.

"You guys! I got a picture of it!" Shannon exclaimed as she came running into the classroom with her camera bouncing as she ran and Liana raised her eyebrows at her, as she moved her head up off of the desk to look at the picture and unfortunately for them, it was clearly a wolf and she looked at Rhydian and Maddy, whose eyes widened. "Look! Can you see it?! It is clearly a monster!" She exclaimed and Liana sighed, as she dropped her head a little bit and she turned her head to face the window to her left in silence.

"Was it you?" She asked out of the side of her mouth very quietly, as she didn't look at Rhydian but since he was the only other teenaged wolfblood who could change at the moment, she knew that he would be the only one to respond.

"No. Why would I?" Rhydian asked sharply and she sent a look his way to try and get him to lower his volume, as they were surrounded by humans and he growled quietly. "I am not the wolf in that photo." He whispered harshly and Liana nodded a little bit, as she turned back to the board and waited for their lessons to begin.

Later that same day in the dark room, Shannon was once again the laughingstock as she had lost the memory data card and with it, the pictures of the so-called "beasts" of the Stoneybridge moors, and she was now running off crying again. "You took the memory card, didn't you?" Maddy accused Liana, who shook her head at her.

"Of course I didn't. Why would I?" Liana asked as she turned on her heel and went toward the cafeteria for lunch, as she wanted food and it was their lunch break anyway. She got macaroni and cheese, same as Maddy did and she saw that Rhydian looked sick at the sight of vegetables and she raised her eyebrows at Maddy, as her sister walked over.

"His foster parents are vegan." She explained and Liana shook her head slightly at her words, as she felt bad for him and Maddy started to eat her macaroni across from Liana, who was eating like she would never be getting any food again. "You can slow down on the food, you know. My parents will allow you to eat again." Maddy mumbled with a chuckle, as Liana rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue at her as she finished her food. "I thought that you were supposed to be the more mature one." Maddy said to Liana as she walked by and Liana rolled her eyes, as she walked out of the cafeteria and onwards for her break outside.

After school, Rhydian had come over for dinner and after learnin' about the wild wolfbloods, the three teenagers had run off to find Tom and Shannon.

After seeing the wolfblood, as soon as the humans had run off, Liana lunged at the wild wolfblood in wolf form, as she snarled and she clawed at the wolf that was barely any bigger then she was currently in a fury.

Liana leapt to the side and she swiftly slashed at the wolfblood, who snarled in a rage and cuffed her over the ears, which sent Liana tumbling away.

After Maddy had cleverly blinded it with the flash on the camera that she had grabbed for Shannon, Liana was resting her head against the tree next to Maddy. "Ow." She grumbled as she stood up and limped after Rhydian, as they were walking back to the Smith house.

Mr. and Mrs Smith didn't exactly seem too happy to see them outside of their house, but they were at the moment at least, willing to let it slide and go because of the fact that they were with Tom and Shannon as well.

Liana got into the backseats along with the others and she was leaning against the window, and she yawned as she shut her eyes and later, when they got back to the Smith house, she ended up falling asleep while everyone else was laughing at the photos.

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