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Natalia was peacefully eating a sandwich in the meadow as she had wolfed out on the meadows and had managed to get far enough away the previous night, in order to wolf out alone on the moor meadows rather than from within the box of a cellar that Imara was in with TJ all night. Her phone rang out and she groaned quietly at the sound.

"Natalia's phone." She said and a bunch of growling was coming from the other end. "Hello? Liana, what's wrong?" Natalia asked and a low growl came from the other end, deeper than the others.

"Natalia, we have a big problem out here in Stoneybridge. I know that you said you were done with the Wild Pack, but this is a different scenario entirely. We need your experience in dealing with the pack, it's serious." Liana's voice was a growl and Natalia sighed, as she looked over her shoulder and saw that Matei and Emilia were listening to the conversation.

"How serious is it? On the scale of one being the least to a thousand being--" Natalia didn't even get to finish her sentence, as she was standing and walking toward the two Covaci siblings.

"How about both your elder brother and elder sister being in town, part of the bloody wild pack, in order to hunt down my twin brother Rhydian?" Liana's words, and the growling tone of her voice suddenly made perfect sense. So much sense, that it made Natalia pull up and stop, as she reached the Covaci siblings and she growled in a fierce manner.

"My brother and my sister, who hate the human world... They are in Stoneybridge??" Natalia asked in total shock, as both Matei and Emilia looked very, very confused at their friend's half of the conversation that they were hearing. "Well, this is definitely serious. Has your brother said why they were hunting him?" Natalia questioned and Liana growled in annoyance, as Natalia heard the button of mute being pushed, as Liana was going to ask.

"No. All he said was that they were hunting him down because he broke some of their rules and according to him, they were some very stupid ones. But it gets worse Natalia, I don't know why or how, but it gets much worse." Liana's tone was almost freaked out now and Natalia shook her head slightly at her words.

"Worse than my absolutely ruthless brother and sister coming into the human world? What could possibly be worse, than that?" Natalia asked sharply and she heard the thudding of Liana's heartbeat through the phone when she listened.

"They are being led by Alric, the Alpha Leader." Liana admitted and Natalia swallowed nervously and her heartbeat started to pick up the pace a bit at the sound of the Wild Alpha's name and she bowed her head, as she tried valiantly to regain control of her heartbeat and she felt Emilia's hand in hers and Matei's went on her shoulder, as they had felt her struggle and she bowed her head again.

"Why the bloody hell is the Alpha Leader of the bloody Wild Pack chasing your brother? There is only a few things that he could have done to anger him that badly and I honestly don't know of anyone who has survived his vengeance if they've broken a serious rule." Natalia stated and Liana growled.

"My brother is being hunted by the Alpha leader and his two Betas, who are your brother and sister! Can you help us in any way? I don't know what else to do, we don't have enough wolves in our pack to go against the wild one!" Liana was understandably panicked as Natalia sighed at her words. "Can we worry about what rule he broke later?! They will kill him if we don't do something about this." Liana practically shouted in Natalia's ear and Natalia looked at the two Covacis and she nodded slightly, as she looked at the back of her hands and she was veining up at the thought of one of her best friends being in pain and worrying like this.

"I can be there soon. I can talk to my siblings, they will feel that Alric has made the wrong decision by staying that long in the human world. However, there is no guarantee that even if they stand with me on this, that Alric will listen to our reason. Just stick by your brother's side until I have a chance to talk with my siblings, is that clear?" Natalia asked and Liana was heard talking to other people on the end of the line.

"Yes, we can do that. Just hurry, I can't stand watching the Smiths and the pack tear into Rhydian for just coming back to the one place that he knows he can be safe." Liana said and Liana hung up the phone and the Covacis looked at Natalia, who sighed a little.

"Back to the country, I go. You two stay out of trouble, I mean it!" Natalia called out as she bolted out of sight as the two howls echoed after her.

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