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KADEN RAN HIS hand through his dark hair as he stared at the two teenagers in front of him who were both ignoring him as they did their homeworks.

"Glasses?" He called out making Wheezie roll her eyes, turning to look at him for the second time in the span of five minutes.

"What?" The thirteen year old asked, annoyance clear in her voice, "I told you to stop calling me glasses!"

"To be fair, I told you I won't so..." He trailed off, his grey eyes flickering to his thirteen years old brother, Blake who was busy counting on his fingers. "Need some help there, Genius?"

"Nope," Blake muttered, "I got it."

Unlike Kaden, Blake had light brown hair which he got from their father. However, they both have the same grey eyes from their mother. Blake was thirteen years old which made him five years younger than Kaden. The two siblings only had each other and they wouldn't have it any other way.

"It's almost seven," Kaden reminded Wheezie who only hummed in response, a small sigh leaving her. She didn't want to leave, not yet. But she knew she had to. "I know. Just give me ten more minutes."

She liked coming to their house to hang out with Blake after school. He was her only friend even though she was a cameron. They've been friends for over three years.

Wheezie would sneak out everytime so she and Blake could hang out because she knew how her family felt about pogues. She didn't want to think about what they'd say or do if they were to find out that she had been going to The Cut every week over the past three years. She was, however, thankful to Kaden was there all the time, helping her, dropping her home himself to ensure that she was safe.

Even though he wouldn't smile and laugh or talk to her much— if he did, it would be mainly to tease her, correct her, or say 'bye,' but he still cared about her safety and that made her realise that everything that she was told about how 'dangerous' the pogues were was bullshit.

"Come on, glasses. You've been suffocating me with your presence for over an hour now." 

Wheezie rolled her eyes at the nickname, "for the last time, stop calling me that."

"Glasses," Kaden repeated with a small teasing smirk on his lips, "it's time to drop you home."

"Just five more minutes," Wheezie shot him pleading eyes. When he shook his head, she pouted, "please, K, I'm gonna get bored at home anyway."

"Oh, how I wish I cared," Kaden said dramatically as he got up, stuffing his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.


"— No."


"— I said no," he shot her a serious look, "get your stuff, I'm dropping you home."

"It's okay," Blake smiled at his friend, "we can continue tomorrow or some other day. You should go now, we don't want your dad to find out."

"Yeah," Wheezie muttered with a sad nod, "okay, let's go then."

"Bye, Wheeze."

"Bye, Blake," she quickly pecked his cheeks, both of them blushing profoundly at the action like always while Kaden roll his eyes at them. "I'll see you next week."

"Sounds great," Blake smiled, "bye."


"Oh, for fuck's sake," Kaden cut Wheezie off with a loud groan as he stood by the door, watching them blankly, "how many more times are you gonna say 'bye'? Can we just go already?"

"Chill, I'm coming," Wheezie made her way towards him, "I'm here, happy?"

"Very," he muttered sarcastically, opening the door so she'd walk out which he did. He followed her, closing it behind. They walked to his black jeep which was parked in the driveway.

"You know," Wheezie began once she was seated inside, "this jeep is like a hundred thousands dollars."

"Yeah," Kaden mumbled, knowing very well where she was going with this conversation. He placed his hands on the steering wheel and started the vehicle.

"How'd you get it?" She asked out of curiously although she wanted to stop herself knowing he did not like to be questioned. Blake has told her a lot about his big brother like how he didn't like to talk about their parents, how he hated the kooks with a burning passion which made Wheezie wonder whether he hated her but she was relieved when he told her that she and Kiara were the only exceptions.

Blake has also told her how how he kept to himself and only hung out with a couple of pogues, he was very reserved but incredibly reckless. That was something she didn't really need to be told.

"I mean—" she quickly added upon realising how bad what she said probably sounded, "you're a Pogue and my dad said that they're kinda broke but you don't—"

"—  It was a gift," the lie rolled off his tongue as easily as if it was the truth, hoping she'd drop it after that answer.

Wheezie leaned back in the seat, humming as she kept her eyes fixed on the road ahead while he began driving. "Blake told me it was your grandfather's."

"It was a gift from him," he rephrased, shooting her yet another lie. "Tell me something. Your sister, what's-her-name, knows about you sneaking here, doesn't she?"

"Her name is Sarah," Wheezie informed for the hundredth time. It occured to her that he didn't really care about her name but she still said it everytime. "And yes, she covers for me everytime. Why?"

"Just wondering," he shrugged, "we're almost there." He never dropped her right in front of her house but rather a good distance away. But he would, however, wait and watch until he'd see the lights in her room light up— something he told her to do everytime.

The first time Wheezie snuck to Kaden's house and spent quite a few hours there with Blake. Kaden had always thought this was a bad idea knowing how the Camerons were but he never did anything about it because he knew how pissed and disappointed Ward would be if he ever found out. He wanted that, as bad as it sounded. He hated the old man for what he did.

After a few seconds, he pulled over and Wheezie stepped out, giving him a small wave with a smile on her face, "bye, K." He said nothing in response and only watched as she closed the door and walked away.

He stayed there and waited until he saw the lights turn on in her room before he sped away, heading back home.

I know it's not much but this is the first chapter. Its gonna get more interesting as it goes. Thank u for being patient with me. Appreciate you <3

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