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"WORD IS, THEY FOUND two more bodies by the beach," John B spoke.

"Damn," Kaden took a sip of his coke, "so there's a motherfucker out there who's killing people and just tossing them in the sea."

"Apparently so," Kiara mumbled as she ran her fingers through Kaden's hair. His head was on her lap and they were lying on the beach. "I love your hair."

"Come on," JJ groaned from beside them, "let's go surf those pretty waves."

"I'm not in the mood," Kaden glanced up at Kiara, "your dad wouldn't stop side-eyeing me everytime he'd see me."

"Well, after the stunt we pulled at the party," she paused, "it'd be suspicious if he didn't."

"Guess we won't be getting any free food anytime soon," John B chuckled, "I'll miss that."

"Right," Kiara mumbled, looking down at Kaden who had his lips pursed as he stared at John B. "Why don't you guys go ahead?" She nodded towards the sea, "we'll join you in a few."

"All right," Pope stood up, brushing sand off his shorts, "let's go." With that, him, John B and JJ rushed in the water to surf.

Once they were gone, Kaden raised his brows at his friend, "why'd you get rid of them?"

"I didn't get rid of them," she repeated, rolling her eyes in amusement at the way he worded it. "I just wanted to talk to you without them hearing."

"Okay then," he gave her his full attention, "shoot."

"So..." she trailed off, "my dad told me that you've been paying for the food I have been begging him to give them for free which—"

"He clearly doesn't want to give us for free," Kaden interrupted her, "when you ask him to do that, he always have this expression on his face as if you've told him to eat shit. So yeah, I did pay for it." He shot her a look, "I always have. I'm not a charity case, Kie. I don't want to be treated as such."

Kiara sighed, "why didn't you tell us that you've been paying for them?"

"I didn't want to," he shrugged, turning his head to he could look at the three boys who were laughing as they rode the waves. "I don't want them to feel like they owe me anything. You know how they are, you know they will."

"They do though," Kiara pressed, smiling down at him, "you're actually the sweetest guy I've ever met." He rolled his eyes when she continued, her hand going to trace the angel wing tattoo on his shoulder. "So indifferent on the outside but a real sweetheart on the inside. How old were you when you had this done?"

"Seventeen," he responded just as his eyes fell on a group of people who just arrived at the beach. Kiara groaned in obvious disapproval as the kooks settled down a couple of feet away from them.

Kaden ignored her, busy staring at Sarah whose eyes widened and her heart skipped a beat as she locked eyes with him. She bit her lower lip, taking in his appearance. And she couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy upon seeing his head resting on Kiara's lap. But in that moment, their eyes met, and it was as if the world around them faded away. Time stood still, and Sarah found herself drawn towards him, unable to look away.

He ran his tongue along his bottom lip, unconsciously wetting it as his eyes raked over her figure. She was wearing a stunning bikini that perfectly accentuated her sun-kissed complexion. The vibrant shade of teal suited her perfectly, while the intricate details showcased her slightly toned figure. The bikini's design elegantly highlighted her feminine curves, enhancing her natural beauty.

Her long, flowing blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders, catching the sunlight and creating a mesmerizing glow. Each strand seemed to dance in the gentle breeze, adding an ethereal touch to her overall appearance. Sarah exuded confidence and radiance, her magnetic presence impossible to ignore.

Kaden didn't bother hide the fact that he was blatantly checking her out, as she was doing to him. Her eyes lingered longer on Kiara's hand which was now in his hair, and her grip tightened around Topper's hand.

Kaden's eyes followed the movement and he didn't know why he clenched his jaw and felt like looking away.

"Why are you and Sarah looking at each other like that?" Kiara's question snapped his attention back to her from Sarah. She narrowed her eyes at him, "you two are basically eye fucking each other. Oh my god, are you into her?"

He glanced at the blonde again. She was now sitting beside Topper with their other friends on a mat they'd placed on the sand, but she'd keep stealing glances at him every now and then.

"I don't know," he admitted quietly making Kiara pause her action. "Can you blame me?" He went on, "look at her."

"K," Kiara said slowly, "you know I can't stand her. And you're attracted to her. Have you been spending time with her? Shit, why would you—"

"I know you hate her for whatever reason," he cut her off, groaning, "but that's between you guys. That's your problem. Don't bring me into this. Hate her all you want, it doesn't mean I have to as well." He then stood up, grabbing his own surfboard and looked down at her, "you coming?"

𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 ━━ SARAH CAMERONWhere stories live. Discover now