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SEEING BLAKE LYING ON a hospital bed with all kinds of tubes attached to him made Kaden bite his lower lip in guilt. Blake was his to protect and he failed.

Sarah had followed Kaden, entering after him with Wheezie after JJ decided that they should be the ones to go in there first as they had been there before them. The others wordlessly agreed although she wanted to tell JJ to go in. But she wasn't in the mood to talk to any of them.

Seeing Blake lying on the ground with Kaden knelt by his side looking like a complete mess had disturbed her greatly. She had grown close with the two brothers despite herself, and she cared for them a great amount. She didn't want anything to happen to them. And Blake was just a child. She wondered if the fire had been intentionally caused by someone and feared of what Kaden might do to the person responsible.

"Shit," Sarah heard Kaden mumble to himself as he neared the bed. Blake was conscious now, his eyes were red and his breathing was ragged. "I'm so fucking sorry."

"For what?" Blake managed to let out, "it wasn't your fault. I should've ran faster."

"Don't talk," Kaden muttered as he sat down by his bed. He brought a hand up and ran it through Blake's hair, "shit question but how do you feel?"

"Like I've just beat death," the thirteen year old shot him a smug look. "And I've made you cry."

"Shut up."

"But I did," Blake muttered, smiling, "at least one good thing came out of it." His eyes fell on Sarah and Wheezie who were standing closely behind and he gave them both a grin. "Well, two good things."

"Them being?"

"I've managed to get two of the hottest girls to visit me in the hospital."

"You're so full of it," Kaden rolled his eyes at his little brother, but couldn't stop the smile that formed on his lips. At least Blake was fine. That was all he could ever ask for.

"Hey Sarah," Blake directed his attention to the blonde instead. She smiled, "hey. How are you?"


"I'm glad you're okay," Wheezie spoke for the first time. Her cheeks were stained with dry tears. Blake flashed her a smile, "I'm glad you're here."

"Did you think I wouldn't come see—" Wheezie was cut off by Kaden, "can you two save all that for when you're alone?" He didn't give them time to answer when he looked at Sarah, "I need a minute with him, if you don't mind." She only nodded, grabbed Wheezie's hand and walked out, giving them the privacy they needed.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Kaden turned to Blake. "What happened?" He was asking about the fire and they both knew it.

Blake was silent for a while before he finally answered, "it wasn't me."

"Then?" He wouldn't have pressed if he thought Blake wouldn't be able to give him answers. "How'd it happen?"

"I was in my room," he started, swallowing, "then I smelt smoke. It was a lot— too much. Before I knew it, I couldn't breathe, my eyes stung and I was getting out of my room. I tried to get out through the window but there was fire outside too. So once I was out of my room, I barely made it to the door before I lost consciousness. Don't remember what happened after that— although I do have a few images of you saving me and crying. That was gold. At least one good thing came out of it." 

"Shut up," Kaden rolled his eyes, "did you see anything? or anyone?"

"What, you think it was Ward?" Blake questioned, his voice just above a whisper.

"I don't know," Kaden shrugged, "I think. I'm guessing. Because, who else?"

"I saw a figure," Blake muttered suddenly, the memory flashing in front of him again. "He was wearing a red hoodie. He was about this high." He raised his hand in the air to show a certain height. "Not too tall, kinda short. Definitely too young to be Ward. Or maybe he was sent by him, I don't know."

Kaden pursed his lips at that. If it wasn't Ward, then who else? How many enemies had he made since he moves to the island? A lot. How many wanted to kill him? Most of them. How many would actually do it? Only one; Ward. But he had this nagging feeling that it wasn't him this time.

"Why would Ward want to kill me, though?" Blake questioned after a moment of silence from both him and Kaden who seemed to be deep in thought. "That doesn't make sense. And he's not here, is he? Didn't he take Rose out? Call me stupid but I don't think it was him."

Kaden shot him a look. His grey eyes narrowed as a thought crossed his mind and suddenly, he knew who did it. He shoved the revelation away for the time being, remaining calm for his brother's sake. He took a deep breath, shaking his head. "It's fine, I'll figure it out. You don't worry about that, understand? Rest and get better."

Blake rolled his eyes but nodded nonetheless. "Yes, dad." Then his eyes fell on Kaden's shirt, the blood coating it and the pieces of glass visible and shining in his skin. "Holy shit," he murmured, "get those removed, why don't you? Do you wanna bleed out or something?"

"I will."

"Yeah, of course you will," Blake shot him a pointed stare. "Right now, actually. Get out and get treated. Don't come back in unless you do."

"Is that the way to show your gratitude?" Kaden raised his brows, "I saved your life, you'd better say thank you."

"You mean you saved your life," Blake grinned when Kaden frowned, confused. "Excuse me?"

"I mean," he leaned forward a little as if he was letting him on a secret, "I am your life, aren't I?"

It was Kaden's time to roll his eyes. "Sure, yeah, whatever helps you sleep."

"It's true though," Blake pressed, still smiling and as much as Kaden wouldn't admit it, it felt good to see him back to himself rather than lying unconscious on the ground, barely breathing. "I won't believe otherwise."

"What you believe or not is none of my concern, little brother." Kaden said as he ruffled his hair one more time, "I'm gonna go get these shit treated."

"You do that," he muttered then remembered something. "Hey, where are we gonna live now that our house's all burnt?"

"I don't know."

"I don't know about me but I'll figure it out," Kaden shrugged, "you, however, are staying in the hospital, doctor's words not mine."

Blake's face scrunched up in disgust, "what? Here? No, I won't."

"You have to, they're going to keep you under observation for a few days to ensure that nothing's wrong with you. It's precautionary measures, Blake." He sighed and for the time the thirteen year old saw how truly tired he looked. "Don't argue with me right now."

Reluctantly, Blake nodded. "Fine," he said, "but once I'm out of here, you better not surprise me with a fucking street or your jeep as our new home."

"Don't worry about that," Kaden muttered as he began to walk away, "I got something in mind. You're gonna love it." Blake didn't get the time to question as he was already out of the door and the others came flooding in.

𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 ━━ SARAH CAMERONМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя