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"YOU'RE A DICK," Wheezie's words reached Kaden's ears making him bite down hard on his bottom lip, guilt engulfing him as the girl continued to talk. "Sarah's sad and has been acting all distant because of you."

His intention wasn't to hurt her. If anything, he was trying to prevent that. If they had started something, she would have been devastated if she was to find out what he had planned for her father.

"Wait, isn't she talking to John B or something?"

"Hardly," Wheezie scoffed. "She's just replying to his messages. . . there's nothing there."

"I didn't mean for any of that to happen," he said and Wheezie could see the genuine regret in his eyes when he looked up at her. "I just. . . I can't have that."

"You can't have what?" The youngest Cameron groaned. She was supposed to be at home, doing homework but she found herself in John B's house where Kaden and Blake were currently staying. "You guys kissed," she said, exasperated. "And you're obviously into each other. You've been spending a lot of time together. Let's not forget the fact that she broke up with Topper for you and also—"

"She didn't break up with him for me," Kaden cut her off with a scoff. "She just realised that she was wasting her time with him."

"Everything was fine with them until you came along," Wheezie pointed out. "Topper started being a dick to her because she was no longer interested in him and he could see that."

Kaden was silent for a while. He knew that, he didn't need to be reminded of the fact. "Whatever," he muttered simply, "can we talk about this some other day? I'm exhausted."

"Sarah's concerning me," Wheezie dismissed his words. "She's never been this hurt because of a guy before. Fix that."

"There's nothing to fix," Kaden pursed his lips in a thin line. "Look, it's better this way, alright? While we might have been attracted to each other, we were never going to work out anyway."

"Why?" She narrowed her eyes at him, "because she's a kook and you're a pogue?"

"Precisely," he shrugged.

"Cut the crap, K." Wheezie's words surprised him. He blinked, then raised his brows at the sudden harshness in her voice, "excuse me?"

Wheezie's eyes flickered to the entrance to ensure that there weren't anyone there before she took a deep breath and looked back at Kaden. "Blake told me."

Kaden stilled. "He told you what?"

"About. . ." Wheezie trailed off, scared of how he was going to react. Blake had told her not to tell him anything because he'd get mad. And while she knew he wouldn't hurt her or anything, she still hesitated. Maybe she shouldn't have brought it up but it was too late.

"About?" Kaden pressed, then slowly exhaled when Wheezie replied with, "New York. He told me that you two are rich as hell and that you're only in Outer Banks because you needed an escape from reality or something. He didn't tell me everything everything, but yeah. I do know the basics."

Kaden groaned, threw his head back against the headrest. Blake, he sighed. He wasn't sure what to tell Wheezie. Blake shouldn't have run his mouth.

"So yeah," Wheezie continued. "I know stuff and you can drop the act with me. Why do you even work for my dad anyway? You don't need the money— and why are you a Pogue? You could have chosen to be a kook."

"My grandfather chose that," Kaden shrugged. "He liked simple uncomplicated shit." He shot her a look, "money is complicated. And I work here because it'd be suspicious if I didn't."

"You have a point, I guess." Wheezie sighed, "but that also means you lied just now. . . about this whole Pogue and Kook shit being the reason why you can't be with Sarah. And don't lie, I know you like her."

"Don't talk like that."

"I can't help it anymore," Wheezie muttered. "I've been spending too much time with Blake and you. It stuck. And stop trying to change the subject. It's not gonna work. You better fix what you did."

"Go play hide or seek or something," Kaden waved her off. He felt guilty enough, he didn't need her to add to that. "Why are you concerning yourself with such things?"

"Sarah's my sister and I can't see her like that." Wheezie ignored his words once more. "Just think about how you'd feel if Blake was hurting."

"Look, Sarah and I are adults," Kaden rolled his eyes. "We can handle things on our own. I certainly don't need kids interfering in my shit."

"Please just go talk to her," she resorted to pleading. "Come on, be nice. I'm not telling you to go ask her out on a date. Just apologise or something and explain whatever to her. Just get her back to normal somehow."

"I—" Kaden wasn't able to finish his sentence when Blake's voice reached their ears, calling Wheezie. She shot Kaden a look before rushing out of his room. Kaden sighed and leaned back on his bed. He didn't know what he was supposed to do anymore.

He wanted to sleep, but he was unable to— especially after what Wheezie told him. He didn't know Sarah would be that hurt. Guilt was eating at him, he couldn't handle it anymore. With a loud groan, he got off his bed, grabbed his keys and left John B's house.

𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 ━━ SARAH CAMERONWhere stories live. Discover now