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CLUTCHING A CIGARETTE between his fingers, Kaden raised it to his lips, the ember igniting with each inhale. As the smoke swirled in graceful wisps, it danced with the gentle breeze, weaving intricate patterns against the backdrop of the quiet surroundings.

His eyes were fixed on the horizon, lost in a world of introspection and personal reflection. With each puff, a sense of tranquility enveloped him, momentarily shielding him from the complexities of life. The world moved at its usual pace around him, oblivious to this solitary act of self-expression.

He wondered what his parents were doing— whether they were busy with their work or they had finally decided to take some time off work and think about the two children they had completely abandoned. He also wondered where his grandfather, Eric was; whether he was in hell or heaven. Hell, Kaden thought, definitely.

Although Eric had been good to him and Blake, Kaden knew he was not a good person to others. He was very much like Ward in that department. Sometimes Kaden thought that maybe Ward had him killed because he saw real competition. But he knew that was not the real reason as to why he was killed.

He could have left this place, and go far away with Blake. But his brother and himself had found themselves people— reasons to stay. They liked their lives, it was better than the one they had back with their parents.

When Eric decided that his two grandsons were suffering at the hands of their parents, he decided to take them with him, their parents didn't mind, they were relieved. Eric had always loved simple things, and he had a friend in the cut thus he chose to stay there, so he could be close to his friend.

However, his friend had disappeared just a month before Eric's death. Kaden had tried to find him but in vain. When someone wanted to stay hidden, it was not so easy to find them.

As Kaden exhaled, the smoke escaped from his parted lips, creating fleeting sculptures that briefly obscured his youthful countenance. With each subsequent drag, the weight of his worries seemed to dissipate, replaced by a temporary escape from reality.

The sound of the door closing behind him interrupted the pervasive silence, reminding him of the world outside his thoughts.

He looked up to find Sarah standing behind him, her brows raised at the cigarette in between his fingers, "is that what you call fresh air?"

He said nothing. The blonde pursed her lips as she settled down beside him. Kaden chose to remain silent at the action, taking another drag of the substance. "Smoking kills."

"Maybe that's the point."

"Really?" She hugged her knees close to herself as she turned her head to look at him, "is that your plan? Smoke, die, and leave Blake behind?"

"He'll be fine," Kaden muttered, "I taught him everything he has to know just in case."

"What kind of things?" He chose to not reply at that question. She sighed, "how long have you been taking care of Blake?"

"For about three years now."

"Ever since your grandfather passed, right?" She had lowered her voice, unsure whether to speak about that. Yet, she wanted to talk about something. He simply gave her a nod.

"What are your plans for the future?"

Kaden let out a scoff, "what is this, twenty questions?"

"Maybe it is," Sarah rested her chin on her knees, giving him her full attention, "so, tell me."

"Then I get to ask you questions too."

"Okay," she was quick to nod, "now answer mine and I'll answer yours."

𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 ━━ SARAH CAMERONWhere stories live. Discover now