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( 3rd person )

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𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐆𝐎 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐋 through the marsh since it would probably be easier than walking, or by the twinkie.

it was this extremely rundown building, leaks occurring in it's every corner.

jj whistled at the sight of it. "and i thought the chateau looked bad."

"this place is a shit show." john b agreed, not taking what jj said to heart.

"motel or meth lab?" kie joked, earning a high five from kay.

"you be the judge." pope sighed, staring at the mess that is the motel

"doesn't look like a place someone with a grady-white would stay." john b shook his head.

"no, looks like a place someone with a grady-white would get killed." pope realized, emphasizing how bad he doesn't want to be here right now.

jj's eyes fleeted to the already uneasy kay. he noticed her fiddling with her hands. she was looking at the floor, unlike everyone else who was staring at the pathetic excuse of a building.

"this is your captain speaking." jj said as if he was talking into a walkie talkie, not forgetting the nasally voice all captains seem to have. "HMS pogue coming in for landing." he tried to lighten up the mood. he noticed kay shake her head and laugh slightly from the corner of his eyes.

once the boat was close enough to land, he jumped off carelessly. "whoo!" he screamed as he fell on his palms. he tied the boat off and said, "we're good."

"here goes nothing." john b sighed. he was about to jump off the boat when kay stopped him. "hey."


"make sure he doesn't end up dying. or in a jail cell." kay pointed at jj.

"careful now, princess. i'm starting to think you actually care about me." jj smirked.

"i just don't look forward to seeing you dying, or in the back of a cop car, because either way, you'll leave a huge ass mess that we'll have to clean up." kay crossed her arms, her fingers gripping them so intensely they were turning white.

jj winked at her. she turned her head back to john b, pretending like she didn't see him. her face was very red, though, everyone knew she saw it. kay gave john b a look that screamed 'promise me.'

"oh, i'm not making any promises." john b shook his head. "jj's gonna end up either dying stupidly, or in the back of a cop car. if not today, tomorrow."

she laughed and went to sit down, leaving kie to give john b the motel key.

"be careful." she said, handing him the keys.

"yeah, i will." he nodded breathlessly.

"come on, why are you guys acting like we're walking straight into our graves! it's a motel room." jj rolled his eyes.

"does this whole place not scream danger to you?" pope asked, scanning the rundown place very quickly.

"not really." jj shrugged, turning around. once he heard john b jump off the boat, he began walking in the motel's direction. they walked up the steps, and jj realized that john b was quite literally breaking his neck to look at something.

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑, jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now