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"Good night, everyone," Pope whispered. We were all sleeping on the back of the truck, with the stars above us. Today was a long day and tomorrow would probably be an even longer one. I was nervous for Pope to meet the Limbreys, but nothing could be done.

I saw Kie turn to Pope and plant a gentle kiss on his cheek. JJ looked at them and turned to his side, his cap on his eyes. Just by the way JJ looked at Kie, I knew he felt something for her, and I hoped she knew it too.

JJ was so loyal to his friends that he sacrificed his own feelings for them. 

* * * * *

We drove our way to Charleston and when I spotted the fancy house, I pointed at it, "There."

We came down the truck and JJ stared at the spikes at the tops of the gates. "Talk about home security. Are those spikes there to keep people out?"

I knew the Limbreys were rich and powerful for a reason, but I stayed quiet.

"The slave quarters were over there," Pope said. Kie swallowed. "No, these spikes were to keep people in," he sighed.

We walked to the wooden porch and Pope clanged the metal door ring. JJ, Kie and I exchanged worried looks when no one answered. "You think that was too much?" Pope asked.

"It echoed the entire house, that's for sure," JJ said and looked around. "So they definitely heard it."

"Maybe nobody's home," I suggested. I wanted to get out of here. The Limbreys basically owned most of Charleston and the fact that they were interested in a boy from Kildare was worrying me. Dad would've killed for this amount of attention from the Limbreys.

Pope clanged the ring again when the door opened. A man who I recognised opened the door. I moved behind JJ to block myself. "You must be Pope," the man said. I remember him sitting in Dad's office arguing about something. 

"Um..." Pope looked at us before turning back to him, "Are you Mr Limbrey?"

"Ms Limbrey was expecting you yesterday," he hissed. 

"I'm sorry. Uh-- my car broke down on the way up here," Pope quickly said. 

JJ interrupted him, "Carburetor blew up in the middle of Nowheresville." The man looked to JJ, "Yeah, sorry bout that."

"She was real upset when you didn't show up."

Kie broke in, "We tried to call, but there's no number on the invitation."

The man cleared his throat and ignored Kie. He continued talking to Pope, "She also expected you to come here alone."

Pope tried explaining, "These are my friends. They--"

The man didn't have any interest, "The instructions were clear. Your friends can stay outside."

* * * * *

I was sitting on the top of the rail as Kie and Pope dreaded their parents waiting for them back home. After Pope's unpleasant meeting with the Limbreys (who I warned them about!), we crashed into John B and Sarah. Apparently, Carla Limbrey wanted a weird key from Pope, but he didn't know what she was talking about. While the Limbreys were after Pope, a man (who I think was Walter) was after John B and Sarah. We raced through town and hopped in their boat and hurried out into the sea. 

Now we were all the way back at the Outer Banks and JJ was saying, "No one knows we're here, right?" JJ looked at Sarah and John B, "And you two aren't gonna get into any more trouble for showing up twelve hours later." We all turned to each other. "Am I right or am I right?"

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