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The phrase "I love you" has the power to change everything. When you tell someone "I love you", you are expressing a deep affection, trust and commitment to that person. It can make them feel appreciated, validated and cherished. Telling someone you love them is not just about expressing your feelings, it's about showing them that you are willing to be vulnerable and open with them. It can be a scary thing to do, but the rewards can be life-changing.
But here is he in front of hundreds of people uttering these words to the the girl he just saw not even knew her properly.
Everything went still, after his reckless confession, even the guy who was getting beaten up, also was shocked.
Kayra was shocked was an understatement, she was rather surprised as to how in the hell did this guy said or dared to even think about confessing in front of so many people to a girl and that too like Reena Desai whose surname is more influential than even herself. This guy seriously don't have any idea about what he getting himself into. Looking at him carefully, Kayra thought that maybe he's just new here or maybe he's intoxicated that's why he did something reckless like this because whole Banglore knows whose daughter Reena Desai is, Rajendra Desai. No human has as much blood as his hands were stained with.
"How dare you" Reena was angered by the audacity of this (hot) guy.
"How fair you!" came a reply in a broken but cute english. Now that was the breaking point of Reena's patience.
"what are you standing watching, kill him" Reena's demanding voice forced Kayra out of her trance. She looked ahead to see that on being ordered by their mistress, two goons headed towards the man who didn't even hesitate and stood as if it was a matter of daily basis for him. God! Who is this guy and why is his character messing with her head.  One of the men was about to punch him and boom! he simply slapped his nose with a full arm, causing both the goons to groan in pain.  Reena didn't show any reaction but due to being a great observer since childhood, Kayra saw a flash of shock passing through her eyes just for a mere one second.
Kayra was shocked again honestly, but also quite impressed by how much of control this man had over himself even in his drunken state. He dramatically taps his chin with his index finger seemingly as in deep thought.
"Where was I" questioned himself and as if his mind had taken him back to where he started thinking, made a sound of acknowledgement.
"Ah!! I'm already deathed Sona (darling)"
Kayra was confused what does he meant by that and then a candle lit up oh he means death she rolled her eyes internally. Reena didn't even like this all, she was getting furious while all the goons charged towards him with hockey, chains or whatever they got and he put one finger up as in asking Reena for a minute. And just like that the hell broke out, he began to fight the goons by seizing there hockey sticks, smashing them on the barricade. The hazel-eyed girl resisted clapping for him, instead staring at him in fascination. However, she still could not get a proper glimpse of him as his long black hair was covering his face from the beginning and now as he was thrashing the goons with all his might, it was falling on his face every now and then, making it hard for her to get a good look. When he grabbed a chain from the hand of one of the goons, he went to the girl in the golden dress, imitating as a marriage string and when he was about to reach her, another goon shouted from behind to hit him, came, the man stopped in his tracks and making an annoyed face he grabbed the goon in a choke hold and broke his arm and used his broken hand to push his hair out of his face, but Kayra still  could not see him because his back was facing her. He beats up everyone there making sure that all of Reena's attention is on him. He head towards Reena with pouty lips as in to kiss her and then SMASH!! suddenly a crash of glass wa   heard and it went silent, the hunk slowly turned
behind with his hand on his chest as if his heart hurts and Kayra was finally able to see him entirely. Everything seemed to stand still, as if the people around had disappeared, there were only these two as if they were made for each other, even though their eyes did not meet, but still Kayra felt that there is something in between which is different and very beautiful. There was a mystery in his eyes, a mix of sadness, a loneliness but most of all there was a determination to achieve something for which he would go beyond any limits. He was handsome like really handsome and even she was embarrassed to think but still he was hot and so was his hair!! His hair were like a cherry on top. Kayra was not like to check someone out but still she did and that too for a complete stranger and this thought turned her into a tomato. He, however, in his drunken state did not see or even notice her as his all attention was that fool who broke a beer bottle and seemed to have wasted it. He beated the shit outta him and gave him a worthy lecture on how valuable each an every drop of liquor is.
"Tch, tch, tch", Reena snapped her fingers which elicited a grin from the man who thought she was impressed by all of his great fighting.
"Looks like a new comer in Bangalore maybe you don't know me don't run away after knowing. My father will kill you by running on this very road." Reena tried to threaten him.
"I'm used to chasing, not running" he stumbled more towards her.
"I have seen many players all my life but I am seeing Kill Lady for the first time." he raised his eyebrows as in he was really impressed by her.
"Love deeply going inside, I'm coming-" he was about to get really close to Reena but stopped.
" Shut up Rocky, shut up, shut up, shut up!! Who is your father, Rajendra Desai, he has made you enjoy a lot, don't you worry, I will make you indulge, I will not go anywhere leaving you. I'll coming soon hmm!!. He answered or more like promised to meet again and backed way to the direction from where he came from not forgetting to take the basket of beers with him.
He gave a last look to Reena and went way not knowing that there's also a presence from the start who's so intrigued by him and his carefree character and wanted to know more about him, not even knowing herself as to why. As he went away, Kayra composed herself and went towards Reena who was boiling in rage and if looks could kill that hunk would have been a dead meat by now. 
"Reena? You okay?" Kayra questioned cautiously
"How dare he, he's gonna pay for all of this, bloody roadside Romeo." Reena fumed. She was really angry. That man got lucky today that Reena didn't chopped his head of but don't know for how long he's gonna be safe.
"Reena forget it. He was drunk. He himself didn't know who he was messing with. Just calm down". Kayra tries to calm Reena down knowing very well what she capable of doing.
She was about to say something more but in between Reena started heading towards her car saying that her mood is all ruined by the imbecile. Kayra does not forget to clear the traffic before giving chase to Reena. Why these people should suffer she thought. As soon as she reached Reena's car she saw that Reena was screaming at the driver, the poor was trembling in fear thinking about his life decisions as what  he did wrong that his mistress is shouting at him. She was about to curse him more but stopped as Kayra came and ask the driver to leave. And this was his chance to get away from the volcano before it burst. Making a internal note to thank his survivor later, he nodded and ran away.
"You shouldn't have scared him like that" Kayra said to Reena while shaking her head and taking the driver's seat.
"Oh really? Thanku for making me feel like I'm the bad one. Reena sarcastically said. "Well the pleasure is all mine." Kayra joked which made Reena more furious.
Ok, ok I'm sorry. I was just trying to lighten up the mood. She answered.
"I'm gonna- wait a minute. You? When did you come here? I thought that I didn't invited you as you don't do parties. Was you here from the start?" Reena inquired.
"Well apparantly I was here since the moment that guy barged in your happily going party." "That imbecile was ruining the party and misbehaving with me in front of all those people and you didn't even think to bother?? Aren't you a assassin who likes to assassinate those for whom you get payed."
By listening to this, Kayra realized that she had become so influenced by that man that she had forgotten that the man was misbehaving with her friend and because of all this, her power and strength had been questioned. She was getting furious more on herself than that annoyingly handsome hunk, for letting her emotions to take over her thoughts.
"I told you already he was drunk or maybe he's new here that's why he did all that. I'm sure when he'll be sober he's gonna regret all of his careless deeds. So just stop fussing so much about it Reena.
"Wow!! So you're taking his side and telling me to stop fussing? He didn't just misbehaved with me, he challenged my self esteem and for that I'll make sure that he'll pay with his life. And about you, sometimes I really wonder whether you are my friend or not because I am the one trying to take this friendship forward." Reena pointed a finger at Kayra as if accusing her for something she herself didn't know.
"Oh god!! Plz forgive me miss Desai. I didn't know that you're trying so hard to work this friendship". Kayra dramatically asks for forgiveness as if she really did committed a sin.
They both were staring at each other as if it was a staring contest but couldn't help themselves and burst out laughing.
"Have you had dinner?" after calming down Kayra asked Reena.
"No. I was going to have it with all the others but as you can see my plans are ruined by a certain meat head. Reena complained
"Ffffhahahahahaha. Meat head? seriously Reena? Hahaha" Kayra questioned Reena while laughing.
"What? Didn't you saw his face? It was like full of meat." Reena scrunch her nose. Kayra couldn't help but to think about the way Reena was talking about the man as if she hates him with all her life. Is she blind or its just me? How could she not notice his eyes, those beautiful orbs like a deep ocean that she wants to dive in, and explore.
"Kayra? You here? Reena shook the asked girl's shoulder causing her to snap out of her thoughts which happens to be consumed by a certain macho man.
"Huh? Oh yeah I'm here where do you think I'll go leaving you all alone." Kayra faked pouted making Reena to roll her eyes.
"Aren't you being too dramatic today?" She questioned.
"Me? No. Why would you think like that? She again did that. "Okay!! Let's just stop this and have dinner ok? I also didn't get to eat because of all of your chaos.
"Wait who told you about this? Oh!! How can I forget that bloody excuse of friend of yours. Is he stalking on me or something?" Reena accusingly asked.
"First of all, his name is Rudra. Second, yes he told me. And last, No. He's not stalking on you. If he would have been then why do you think he'd have told me in the first place?" Kayra questioned.
"How would I know? He's your friend. Maybe you  are also included in all this."  Reena teasingly said.
"Oh Reena you know me too well, don't you? I don't do stalking but when I do it's either because I want to torture them or kill them." Kayra knows very well when and how to use her words.
"You do not need to expand your business like this" Reena said in disbelief.
"I don't have any other option, my customers are decreasing day by day." Kayra fake cry which annoyed Reena.
"Ok, ok madam I'll stop. Let's just go and have dinner ok?" She smiled at the annoyed girl and drove away to a nearby restaurant with millions of thoughts coming across her mind. 




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