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After the painful night the male protagonist woke up. His chest area was paining as he remembered the scene of yesterday which made him hiss. He was about to move his other hand but his eyes caught the glimpse of the beautiful lady who was holding his hand while sitting on the ground, sleeping. Her long black hairs were covering her face but still she was looking gorgeous as always. He remembered yesterday's incident as if it were lightning. The time when Rocky was in pain and suddenly someone held his hand and he calmed down as if his mother had come. Raja! Apart from him, no one knew his real name, so did it mean that she was known. Did she know everything about Rocky? He wanted to know but the time was not right. He looks at her and tries to remove her strands of hair with one hand to see her face better but as soon as he extends his hand he feels severe pain due to which he starts hissing more loudly. His voice wakes up the sleeping girl and sees the man moaning in pain in front of her.
"Rocky? What happened are you alright? Shall I call the doctor? Wait, I'll call." She's about to go when Rocky holds her hand and stops her from going.
"Don't go anywhere. Stay!" Pain was evident in his voice so she did. She stayed with him. But couldn't get the courage to say anything. After a while Mallama came with a bowl of porridge for him and handed it to the lady. She helped him in a sitting position and started feeding him. Rocky was thinking why she was not saying anything.
He was about to point it out but suddenly the telephone starts ringing. He was trying to get the reciever but couldn't because of the wound.
Kayra stops him and gives it to him.
"Hello!" He said and a very annoying voice answers back.
"Hey Rocky Bhai! How are you? Heard that you have became the badshah." He was mocking but the dude didn't know that he's provoking the devil.
"You were good here only on the pieces given by me. Where have you gone? You have gone there to make a name, haven't you, but you will die a dog's death." Kayra was getting irritated by this annoying voice she wanted to slam the phone down but to Rocky, it was nothing untill he said something about his queen.
"I have heard that you have a queen, bring her along with you. Hahahaha!" He disconnects the call while laughing. Kayra wanted to scream at that man but couldn't because the old fear was about to strike her again. But she manages to calm down.
"Don't pay attention to his words. You have to be fine now." She takes the spoon to his mouth but Rocky turns away as if now his hunger will be quenched by someone's blood. Kayra understands that nothing will happen by force, so she stands up to keep the bowl in the kitchen.
"What happened?" Suddenly he asks her. She stops and turns back.
"Why are you not talking to me?" His question was simple but it held desperation. She was trying to hold the tears that were about to fall. His eyes were searching for an answer. Then their eyes collided and it was the breaking point of her. She leapt towards him and hugs him tightly but keeping a good distance so that she won't hurt him.
"I'm so sorry Rocky! It all happened because of me. I'm so selfish! I knew that something is going to happen but still I told you to go all alone and look at the consequences. You got hurt just because of me. I'm sorry Rocky I'm so-" she halts as the man has put a finger over her lips to keep her quiet and to stop her from blaming herself. It hurted him more than the wound.
"Why are you apologizing? Nothing has happened because of you. It was me who wanted to go it's just you happened to agree on the same thing. You know why you sent me because you trust me and knowing this makes me more happy than this pain. And this ain't the first time I have been shot earlier also, the only difference is that at that time I had no one to take care of me, but now you are here, I am not worried. Do you believe me?" he asks her. Without delay, she nods her head and this makes him smile. He wipes the tears flowing from her eyes and again takes her in his arms.
"Your tears are really painful than this wound." She looks up at him while wiping the hot tears.
"Ok! I won't cry anymore just you be ok. I'll call the doctor for checking up on you, hm? Just wait a minute." This time he didn't agrue just smilingly nodded. He was feeling so delighted that someone was there with him, taking care of him and now, loving him. After she leaves the room to call the doctor, his expressions turn into more serious one. It was as if he was really boiling in anger. The veins of his forehead pops out and his teeth gritting.
How can I be so careless? I'll make that old man pay. Because of him my lioness was crying, blaming herself for something that she didn't did. Just wait and watch you old man. He speaks to himself in a dangerous low voice.
Just then the lady with the doctor comes.
"How are you Mr Rocky?" The doctor asked as the asked man just nodded his head in response.

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