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The atmosphere was very serious. Everyone was feeling this as the male protagonist was pacing in the corridor with his expression serious and tensed. Kasim Chacha and Vanram were looking at him with a small smile crept on their faces.

"Rocky, calm down everything is gonna be fine!" Chacha tried to comfort him but that man was not having it.

How can he?

"I'll calm down after seeing them both...safe and sound!" He turns to Kasim Chacha and they could see the desparation and seriousness in his dark eyes.

This was the time when a woman is about to become a mother. And the father-to-be was anxious for her wife and his future child. Kayra felt the pain of labor in the morning itself and since then everyone is worried. Rocky again stood outside the room pacing and biting his nails. All the experienced men started remembering their times after seeing him. Then after some time a painful scream reached his ears. His fingers were wrapped around the doorknob and after hearing her scream, he clutches it tightly.

Sona...I know it's painful but you can do it... His eyes closed as he tries to reach her through his thoughts.

With another sharp and painful scream it all went quiet. He opens his eyes and stepped back slightly from the door while looking at it and hoping for the best. His anxiety was forcing him and then he could not stop himself and walked inside the room, forgetting what the ladies told him about staying out. His eyes scanned the room till they fell on the bed where his lady was laying while her chest rising and falling with each breath. As if she sensed his presence her eyes slowly opened and adjusted on his. Despite feeling the pain she smiled softly at him while he could see her glowing. This made him proud of her and also respectful of her. His slow steps took him to her and he stood beside her while she keeps smiling at him.

"Sona..." His voice was soft and she stretched her hand out for him which he took instantly before sitting down on the floor.

"How are you feeling...love?" He caressed her head softly while smiling, comfortingly. She nods slowly in response to which he sighs deeply.

"I know it was hard for you... But I know you're strong, right my lioness?" He chuckles and she smiles. Before he could continued suddenly he heard a small cry which made him turn instantly towards its direction. And for the first time in his entire life, his whole body trembled because in front of his eyes...was the most beautiful thing.

His baby...
Fatima Maa was holding this little one in her arms while smiling at him.

"Congratulations Raja...you're now a father." He couldn't believe as his lady said it with that gorgeous smile of hers. He looks at her and she nods her head as a cue for him. Rocky slowly gets up on his feet and slowly walks towards the older lady. She saw the emotion on his face and smiled softly before urging him to take the baby in his arms. Rocky looks at the motherly lady before taking a deep breath and stretching out his arms. Fatima Maa carefully put the baby, wrapped in a soft blanket on his arms.

He felt his whole body trembled again in the anticipation of having his own creation in his arms after waiting for so long. As if the baby had sensed his presence, suddenly the crying baby stopped and looked up at him with those big and innocent eyes. It didn't took much for him to recognise that the baby has its mother's eyes with a hint of dark brown lines.

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