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Everyone was waiting for the arrival of the of the most feared man. The trap of statue was laid for him and he was moving towards them to get trapped in it. This was the only chance they all had, if today they become successful in their plan, then no one can stop them from ruling. To strengthen their hold on power, they have to face him no matter how. Rajendra Desai, Andrews, Kamal, Daya were all waiting for the moment when the mammoth would come out of his kingdom and they could strike. And like the calm before the storm, everything was calm and then the storm finally arrived. The voice of his arrival was first heard by Daya who had seen him coming through his binoculars. Seeing Daya connecting the parts of the guns one by one, everyone understood that he had arrived. As soon as he added the last piece, his eyes started searching for a certain long-haired man and as if he has realised his need, he moves towards Daya in a very murderous way and Daya also started moving towards him after seeing him. Rocky takes out the bullet lodged in his mouth and is about to take the gun from Daya when people disguised as waiters point guns at all of them and divide them into two. And then, Garuda comes from among all the people and crossing all the other puppets he went directly towards Rajendra Desai. Everyone trembles with fear seeing him there, but him, except Rocky who was surprised to see how much, this man, that he was supposed to kill, was influencing them all.
"My father trusts you guys a lot and I have come to keep that trust alive."
He moves towards the statue and grabs the cloth by the rope and pulls it.
"My father has built a huge empire... I will build an...EVEN BIGGER EMPIRE THAN THAT." When the cloth is completely removed from the statue, everyone, even Rocky, is stunned to see the scene in front of him. The statue was have to be of Suryavardhan but it turned out to be of Garuda. He stands exactly as the idol was made and by this he wanted to show his power. Rocky was really stunned to see his status. Garuda goes ahead and stands before them all
"I didn't think you guys were so stupid. You were trying so hard to get me out of your way when you already had her. And as I see she's not here, does that mean you didn't give her this job but handed it over to someone else. You also have an idea of ​​her capability and I also have to admit that I am in danger if she was there, but what to say about your stupidity. Tch tch you guys will regret a lot." After saying this he leaves. Rocky was very surprised to see Garuda. He had never left his victim till today, but today he could not do anything even after wishing. He was waiting for the right opportunity and when that opportunity comes, he is not going to leave it, he was determined.
As we know that the breath of a wounded lion is more dangerous than its roar.

"Gate locked? Invited everyone in? Don't let anyone in." A terrified Andrews was giving orders over the phone.
"He won't kill so easily. We will be shot and hanged in front of the Vidhan Sabha." Rajendra Desai said with a monotonous voice.
"It took so much effort to get a gun inside and there was an entire army there to protect him. I thought more than half the people who were carrying guns were our men, we thought were ours." Daya said with a little trembling voice.
"Where is that Bombay one?" An angry looking Kamal asked a man.
"He is inside." Kamal snatched the gun from the man and went inside.
"I thought this place would be ours after killing him, but now we have turned our own heaven into hell in greed for the world." Andrews trembling with fear, was repeating their previous mistake. And in a fit of rage, Kamal was moving towards Rocky with a gun in his hand.
"But why did he spared us?" he asked worriedly.
"Power! He can kill us whenever he wants but he had come to show the world his power. He's just waiting for his father to die. We have very less time. If Garuda doesn't die now, we all surely will be killed". Desai said.
"He knows her too. He knows what she is capable of. But how did we remain unaware of this? She was in front of our eyes from the beginning and we did not think even once that she would finish Garuda in any way. We kept wandering from door to door, but despite knowing this, you did not give her a chance even once, why? And now will you go there, at that place, among those people? Can anyone go in that hell? How can you even think like this? After what he has done to us, we cannot even think like this". Andrews was in disbelief. He had known about her and even had asked her to kill a couple of people for him which she had done in return for a good pay.

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