twenty-eight - we've hit rock bottom .

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Morning came long before Rylee was ready for it

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Morning came long before Rylee was ready for it. Her body ached as she stirred, her body still pressed flush against JJ's, whose lips were parted, gentle snores filling the otherwise quiet morning. She managed to maneuver out of his grip without waking him.

Pope and Kiara were both still fast asleep as well, Kiara on the pull out and Pope in John B's room. She quickly and quietly showered and changed before scribbling a brief note for JJ. She didn't want him to wake up and wonder where she'd gone, but she also didn't want to wake him. The pain of his bruises, not to mention the hangover, would be a nasty enough way to wake up. She left the note under a glass of water and a bottle of Aspirin. 'Gone to my mom's. Be back soon. Ry.'

Rylee made her way on her bike back to her mom's house. Now that it was daylight and Rylee knew that JJ was safe, she felt like she could face the destruction a little bit better. She only hoped that Barry wasn't there waiting for her.

The house was still and quiet as she entered, nothing changed except for some leaves that had been blown in through the broken window overnight. She boarded the window up first, thankful for what she had leftover from the hurricane prep, before beginning to go through the garbage and broken furniture in each room. 

The morning faded into the afternoon, and by the time she had swept up all the glass and filled her third large trash bag, the day had grown hot and muggy. She planned to come back and change the locks later, not that it would really keep out anyone who really wanted to come in. She hauled the heavy trash bag to the street, dumping it near the others waiting for the garbage truck when an approaching figure caught her attention.

A shirtless, sopping wet John B was trudging through the overgrown weeds across the street from her house. He pushed his wet hair out of his face, limping a little as he made his way down the derelict street. 

"John B?" Rylee called out curiously, her eyebrows narrowing as she watched him. Her hands settled on her hips.

John B jumped a little as he heard his name being called, whirling around until he saw Rylee. His shoulders lowered a tiny bit, but he didn't say anything.

Rylee jogged across the street, looking John B up and down as she went. Not only was he wet, he was barefoot, no other possessions on him, "What's with you?" She asked as she slowed down, "I thought you were fishing."

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