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The only thing I took refuge in, was that it gave me some time to avoid JJ, and pray that he'd forget what had happened when I saw him again. I'd rather us just forget it and stay friends, because I knew that if we took it any further, things would just be even more awkward.

Dad had taken my phone so all I had to amuse myself with was my guitar for a week. The others knocked on the door a few times, but my dad never answered it, and after a few days they gave up. I'd never spent this much time alone, and I really missed all my friends.

I missed how chill John B was about letting us all stay at his house all the time. I missed how Kiara and I would have girl talks and always know what the other one was thinking. I missed how protective Pope was about all of us, even though he was the first to let loose at a party. I missed JJ. Everything about JJ.

The week dragged on forever, but finally I heard the lock click in my door and my dad looked tired as he ran a hand through his greying hair.
"Just get out," he grunted, and I wasted no time in leaving the house.

The others were already at the Chateau and Kiara pulled me into a bone crushing hug straight away.
"Where the fuck have you been, girly? I missed you so much!"

"Yeah we were so worried!" Pope said, pulling me into another hug.

"My dad wasn't happy that John B and JJ rescued me so I was grounded for the week. He took my phone as well so I couldn't respond to your messages."

John B ruffles my hair and handed me a beer as I collapsed on the sofa.
"I've missed this place."

JJ hadn't even looked up as I walked in, and even moved to the other side of the room as I sat down. Kiara kept giving us weird looks every time he tried to create space between us but I pretended I didn't notice.

"We were thinking about taking a roadtrip, what do you think?" John B said.

"Uh yeah, sounds cool. When?"

"I'm out," JJ said, and everyone turned to face him.

"Dude, it was your idea."

He just shrugged and took a hit of the blunt.
"I don't wanna go if she's going."

"What the fuck JJ?" Kiara yelled, throwing a cushion at him as I tried to look away.

"Is this about what I saw on the porch?" John B asked, and Kiara and Pope gave him a weird look as I blushed.

"What are you talking about?"
"Yeah are we missing something?"

JJ got up and walked out, I was tempted to go after him but thought it was best to leave him.
"Those two were mackin' on each other."

"Dude!" I yelled.

He put his hands up in surrender as he went out after JJ.
"Wanna explain?" Kiara asked, sounding hurt that I didn't tell her, but I didn't have the chance.

"We were high and it just happened. I guess I thought JJ would just forget about it and we could move on, but apparently he's angry at me for some reason."

Pope gave me a disapproving look and I stuck my tongue out at him, leaning my head on Kie's shoulder as I sighed. John B returned, but JJ was nowhere in sight, and we all looked at him expectantly.

"He's gone," John B shrugged.

"Great," I muttered. Now they all knew what had happened and JJ wasn't even here to talk about it.

JJ MAYBANK x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now