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We hadn't spoken about what had happened and something was clearly up with her, but none of us really knew what to say. I wanted to be alone with her in case it was the pressure of being the centre of attention that was affecting Y/N, but when the others had left her demeanour hadn't changed.

"Can you just leave me?" she said suddenly.

"Baby I don't think you should be alone right now. We need to talk about what happened at Barry's."

"Just let me sleep, J."

She curled up on the sofa and faced away from me which hurt me more than I'd like to admit. I didn't know what was up with her but this wasn't my girlfriend.

The rest of the pogues had gone home and told me to leave Y/N to sleep, so I went back to my bedroom but I couldn't stop thinking about her.

Why wasn't she glad to see me?

The next day, John B cleaned her dressings and made her breakfast while I was still asleep, but when he saw me walk into the living room, he quickly went into his bedroom to give us some privacy.

"Y/N what the fuck is up with you? You were kidnapped and beaten up by Barry and ever since we rescued you you've barely spoken, you won't look at us, you don't want to be around us - what's going on?"

"I need space!" she yelled, throwing her hands up in the air but wincing as she remembered her bruised ribs.

"What do you mean you need space? Space from what? From me, from the group? I don't know what you want!"

I was exasperated because I didn't know what was wrong with her or how to help her. I thought she'd be happy to see us.

"I don't know! Don't make me out to be the bad guy I just - I can't do it, I can't face anyone right now," her voice was quieter now with emotion and all I wanted to do was wrap her in my arms and hold her, but she'd made it clear she didn't want to be touched.

"I thought I was gonna fucking lose you and now you won't even sleep in the same room as me. I can't hug you, I cant kiss you, have I done something wrong?" I let my voice break unashamedly as I pried for a straight answer.

"No! It's not you JJ. It's me, I just- what happened at Barry's fucked me up and I need to get over it but I need time to think about stuff."

"So you think I'm gonna hurt you, is that it?" I asked, unable to believe what I was hearing.

"No! Well, kind of... I don't know. Like I know you won't but my body doesn't and it makes me scared," she tried to explain.

"My own girlfriend is fucking scared of me now!"

"JJ please, it's not you, just give me some time!"

I didn't know what to say so I left the living room, slamming the door on the way out as I sat down heavily on my bed. What could I do? I went out surfing with the others to take my mind off of it. They kept asking if Y/N was alright and if one of us should stay with her, but I told them she wanted space and they dropped the subject.

I could barely sleep that night without Y/N beside me; it felt wrong sleeping in the bed alone while she was out on the sofa.

The next day I didn't speak a word to her. She couldn't move from the sofa because of the pain and after John B changed her dressings, we went out with the other pogues surfing again. They were all concerned about Y/N but she'd told us she needed space and if she was pushing us away, what else could we do?

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