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Y/N and Pope were doing their deliveries, Sarah had some kook event she had to go to, and Kie was napping in John B's room, so for once I had the Chateau to myself with John B. I'd shown him the hat I'd stolen from him as a kid and we laughed remembering times from our childhood. Everything was going well until Pope walked in with a somber look on his face.

"Uh guys, we have a problem."

"What's up man?"

"I can't find Y/N." Pope muttered, not meeting my eyes.

"What the fuck do you mean you can't find her? She was doing deliveries for your dad right?"

"I-I don't know what happened. We split up to get more orders done cause we were busy and when I checked in with my dad he said she hadn't returned. We've been looking for her for like an hour man I-I don't know what to do,"

"Why the fuck did you split up, Pope? You know what Rafe and his cronies are like!" John B scolded.

"Hey, it's not Pope's fault, okay," Kiara said, joining the conversation.

"Kie's right, it's not your fault man. We'll find her okay. Shit - let me call her," I said, the panic already setting in.

As I expected, it went straight to voicemail, and I felt sick to my stomach going through all the horrible possibilities in my head.

"Why don't we go back to where you last saw her?" John B suggested, so we all piled into the van.

Pope showed us the houses she went to and the place he was supposed to be meeting her, but there was nothing that gave away where she could have gone.

"Hang on guys, what's this?" Kiara called, and we all ran over to where she was crouched down. When she stood back up again, she was holding a lighter.


"What is it JJ?" Pope asked.

"That's Barry's lighter."

"How do you know?"

"When I used to buy my weed from him I noticed he always used the same lighter, so I asked him about it and he told me it was present or some shit, brings him luck. It's got the little B engraved on the side if you look closely."

It was clear that Barry had been here, and it was no coincidence that it was at the place Y/N had been seen last. I didn't understand why he'd taken her at first, but then I realised that he'd probably taken her because of me. He wanted my dad's money but now my dad was dead, it was up to me to get it. Y/N was collateral.

I wanted to kill Barry knowing he had my girl, but John B calmed me down and told me it was no point getting angry while she was still missing. I didn't know where he lived because he'd always arrange pickup points for his drug deals but if anyone knew where he lived, it was Rafe.

"We have to find Rafe."

"Sarah said he's been hanging round with Topper a lot, because their dad has kicked him out," John B told me.

"I saw Topper at the golf club while I was doing my deliveries. We could start there?" Pope said.

I drove the van to the golf club in under 10 minutes, the others were begging me to slow down but I all I could focus on was my anger. The van skidded to a halt and I wasted no time in finding Rafe and Topper.

JJ MAYBANK x Reader FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon