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It took hours to arrive at the location, but as soon as I saw Barry's car on the driveway, my spirits were lifted at the thought of being near my girl again. I wasted no time in barging inside, I was confused as to why the door was unlocked, but I didn't have time to think about it as I crashed around inside the house, the others close behind me.

"I was wondering how long it would take you," Barry drawled, a cocky smirk on his face that I wanted to punch off as I turned to face him standing in what seemed to be the kitchen.

"Where is she?" I spat, unamused.

"Hold your horses, Blondie. We need to talk first. You owe me money."

I could sense the others' discomfort at the situation but I was used to being around Barry and he didn't frighten me. I just wanted Y/N.

"Give me Y/N and I'll get the money," I told him.

"How do I know you'll get the money? You don't even know how much your dad owes."

"Owed - you killed him remember," I corrected dryly.

"Not my problem - I want my fucking money."

"And I want to see my fucking girl."

John B put a hand on my shoulder to calm me down, and I resisted the urge to shrug it off as I glared at Barry with venom in my stare.

"Bring me the money and you'll get her," he said flatly.

"Look man, can't we just see her first and then bring you the money?" Pope suggested, always one to compromise.

"How are we even supposed to get the money?" John B asked, finally speaking aloud what all of us were thinking.

"Bring me half of it and then we'll talk," Barry agreed.

"I swear to god if you touched her I'll kill you!" I threatened him, before Kiara pulled me away.

"Come on JJ."

We trudged back to the van and I let Kiara drive, guiding us off the property until we found a safe place to pull over. There was no point driving all the way home until we had a plan.

"We're gonna have to go to Sarah," John B sighed, after half an hour of useless and illegal suggestions.

"This isn't her problem," I grunted, running my hands through my hair frustratedly.

"JJ, man, it's the only way. We can pay her back as soon as we can, but we need Y/N before Barry does something bad," Pope said, putting his hand on my shoulder reassuringly.

There was no way I could get the amount Barry wanted that soon legally unless we borrowed from a rich Kook, so Sarah was the best bet. John B phoned her up and explained the situation. She was kind of annoyed we didn't tell her that Y/N had gone missing, but John B told her he didn't want her to worry until it was unavoidable.

She agreed to lend us the money without a second thought, Y/N was too important and my heart swelled at how much my friends cared about me. This wasn't their debt to pay, it was my father's and now mine, but they didn't question helping me.

Barry wanted cash which was the only problem we had because it would look suspicious taking that much out from the bank. We managed somehow and I wasted no time in driving to Barry's to get my girl.

"You got the money?" he questioned, seeming surprised we were back that quickly, through every minute seemed to drag from me when I was away from Y/N.

"We got the half you wanted. The rest you'll get after we get Y/N back," I told him.


I tried not to show the relief on my face as he led us towards a hidden door, which I presumed went to a garage or basement.

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