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Long after John B had gone to bed, I was still restless and my head was spinning thinking about Barry and JJ's dad. I had climbed back into bed next to JJ, who was still fast asleep luckily, and was currently in his arms.

It was the first time I didn't feel safe.

From what John B had told me, it was clear that Barry was not someone to be messed with. I had been terrified enough of Luke Maybank, and he was my own boyfriend's dad. I'd only met him a few times but I'd still been unsettled by his presence.

Anyone who shot that man in cold blood was someone I did not want to encounter. I'd never asked JJ where he got his weed from, I knew he didn't grow it but I didn't know who his dealer was. He was my dealer and I asked no questions. If Barry had also been supplying Rafe and his cronies with cocaine I knew he was even more dangerous.

All I could focus on was the fact that shooting JJ's dad solved nothing. There was no way he could get his money from Luke's heroin debt with Luke dead, and a small voice in the back of my head kept whispering what I hoped wasn't true. He would go to JJ.

JJ had a job as a mechanic, but it didn't pay great, and most of it went to John B's rent or food for us, same as mine. JJ clearly didn't have the money if Barry came looking for it, and I couldn't bear to think of what might happen to JJ. It's not like I could even bring it up to him, because he was still grieving the death of his father and it would be insensitive. Not to mention the fact that I wasn't even supposed to know how Luke Maybank had died.

All the horrible thoughts kept me up for most of the night, but one good thing I did get out of it was that I got to watch JJ wake up. Usually he woke up before me, because I could sleep for days, when I wasn't thinking about a drug dealer wanting to kill my boyfriend.

His voice was thick with sleep and it never failed to turn me on.
"Morning babe," he smiled, leaning over to peck my cheek.

I returned the smile, and watched as he stretched his entire body, before wrapping his strong arms around me and pulling me flush against him.

"You look tired," he mumbled into my hair, and I let my eyes flutter closed in his embrace.

"Couldn't sleep."

He rolled me over to face him and looked concerned.

"Did you have nightmare? You should have woken me up," he asked softly.

"I guess I just wasn't tired," I shrugged, pecking his lips and smiling to stop him worrying about me, when I should be worrying about him.

We got up and had a shower together, nothing sexual it just saved time and water, and after pulling on one of his t-shirts over my bikini I looked up at him while he was pulling his shorts on.

"Do you wanna talk about yesterday?"

He shook his head quickly, but then sighed and came to sit next to me.
"My dad was killed by his drug dealer because he owed him some money for heroin," he explained stiffly.

I was glad he had told me, because I knew he would feel betrayed if he found out I had heard it from John B first. All I cold do was offer my support until he brought up the fact his dad's heroin debt hadn't been paid off.

JJ solemnly told the news to the other Pogues and Sarah, who didn't know how to react, but still showed their support none the less which I knew he was grateful for.

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