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We woke up when John B came crashing through, the lock hanging off the door.

"JB man, what the fuck?" JJ asked.

"You guys just disappeared and weren't answering us so I got worried."

"We fell asleep, you didn't need to bust the lock," I answered groggily, rolling onto my back.

"Y/N what the fuck? Y-your, how did you get them?" John B stuttered.

I pulled my knees up to my chest, JJ shielding the rest of my body considering I was still in my underwear.

"We'll explain later," JJ answered, and John B just nodded, closing the broken door behind him. 

"I'm gonna have to tell the others aren't i?" I asked nervously.

JJ tilted my chin up gently and I looked into his kind blue eyes.

"All we wanna do is help you, baby. We're gonna protect you from now on."

We got dressed after a quick kiss from JJ, we went out to face to others.

"We were so worried about you!" Pope said, pulling JJ into a bro hug.

"Bro we we're literally sleeping," JJ laughed.

We chatted for a while, all eating breakfast courtesy of Sarah who was the only one who could cook decently. John B kept giving me glances and I knew he was silently urging me to explain, but I wasn't brave enough. Not yet.

"Guys, there's something we need to tell you," JJ spoke once we'd all cleared our plates away. He squeezed my hand to comfort me and after taking a deep breath I told the pogues about how my father had been abusing me.

I was pulled into hugs left right and centre, and found myself crying in happiness and relief at what kind friends I had. I was going to be okay. Kiara sat JJ and I down on John B's clinger and spent half an hour cleaning both of our wounds.

I was so grateful for my friends.

After spending a consecutive week at John B's without my father or the police arriving, I finally felt safe. JJ had been cautious around me, physical-wise because of my injuries, but I was horny and wanted attention from him.

"Baby I'm not gonna break, you know," I told him, after he pushed me off when I tried to heat things up one night.

"I just don't wanna hurt you."

"It's hurting me more being sexually frustrated all the time," I laughed.

"Then let me make love to you," he smiled softly.

"We always have sex, why do you sound so serious?"

"No this is different, we fuck. Don't get me wrong - I love it rough and passionate. But I wanna do it sweet and gentle for once. Imagine you're a virgin again and this is your first time."

"My first time was far from sweet and gentle, but I would love for you to make love to me," I smiled, pulling him into a sweet kiss, happy that I was finally getting some.

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