The Heist

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WC: 2,400

Bella pulled out Pope's old video camera from her bag, "Undeniable evidence. Let's get that son of a bitch."

"It's raining though," Kiara said. "Won't that ruin the camera?"

"Here I'll take it, you lead the way," Pope said.

Bella nodded and handed it over, she nodded her head in the direction they needed to go, stopping at a fence in front of the meeting spot.

"Here, that's Ward's truck," Bella whispered trying to blink away the rain.

Pope started filming.

"Nice camera. Where'd you dig up that relic?" JJ asked. "Why don't you just use your phone?"

Pope looked at him, "Well first of all, I like my antique electronics. And second of all, this is a telephoto. It allows me to get a close image from far away."

Kiara rolled her eyes, "Lord of the dorks."

"Don't want a repeat of Shoupe's stupid excuse with my pictures so it's a good idea," Bella said.

"For definitive proof of witness payoff, we're gonna need quality glass," Pope said. 

Bella pursed her lips, "Can't deny what you can see clearly. No blurry pictures for Shoupe to deny. Look alive."

Ward had gotten out of his car.

"There he is," Pope said, filming again.

JJ pulled Bella down, "Yo, get down."

"And there's Gavin," Pope said.

They both ran into a construction site.

"Is it in focus?" Bella asked.

Pope adjusted it for a moment, "Yeah. Yeah. We're good." He watched Ward, "Where are you going, you son of a bitch? No, no, no, I'm losing him. Shit. Where's he going?"

Bella looked around, "Jay, come try this with me."

"Hold on," JJ said running off to join her.

"That'll work," Bella pointed at a rooftop.

He nodded, turned to the others, and whistled, "Yo! Hey! We found something. Come here."

They leave the fence line and join them.

"Gotta go up top!" JJ said.

Bella lead the way and started climbing.

"That'll work," Pope said.

Kiara yelled up as JJ followed after Bella, "Hurry! Don't wanna miss anything."

They ran to the edge and crouched down. Pope started filming again.

"You rolling Pope?" JJ asked.

Kiara asked, "Are you getting it?"

"It in focus?" Bella tried to see what was going on.

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