Pougelandia pt II

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WC: 2,382

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WC: 2,382

(A/N: warning there's a robbery in progress, sorry not sorry)

Bella was sitting at the edge of the water, letting it rush over her feet.

JJ smiled seeing she was awake and went to sit next to her.

She leaned against him.

They stayed silent for a bit, just watching the water.

"We've been here for about month," JJ said.

Bella nodded, "I know. It's... weird to think about."

"I... I've been enjoying it," JJ said hesitantly.

Bella smiled, "Me too. If I'm being honest I don't want to leave. I mean we get to surf and lay in the sun all day. I'm surrounded by people who love me and sure will we run out of supplies soon, yes, but I don't know..."

JJ nodded, "No I get it. I don't want to leave either." He looked at her and smiled, "I have something to show you."

She looked and him and furrowed her brows, "Show me what?"

"It's a surprise, come on," JJ stood up and held a hand out to her.

Bella grinned and took it, JJ started leading her off towards the woods. She double-checked everyone was sleeping and smiled when she saw John B and Sarah curled up together.

They stay silent as JJ leads the way. He paused after about a ten-minute walk.

"Are we here?" She tilted her head to look around him.

JJ gave her a small smile, "Nope. It's a surprise. You have to close your eyes."

She gave him a suspicious look but did as he asked. He took a deep breath, grabbed her hand again, and slowly lead her into a little clearing he had found.

At night the moon lit it up perfectly, giving it the illusion that it was bright and secluded. Like a little pocket of moonlight just for them.

JJ had searched the island for the softest leaves he could find and made a little space in the center so they could lay down and watch the stars.

JJ made Bella come to a stop, her eyes still shut. He moved and put an arm around her, where he could still see her face but he wasn't in her way.

"Ok, open."

Bella's smile morphed into shock, "Jay! This is... this is... wow. How did you find this?"

JJ smiled, and shrugged, "Pope was looking for a good spot to put the signal fire and I came across this. Seemed like a perfect spot to look at the stars together."

She beamed, grabbed his hands, and pulled him to the center, "Well JJ Maybank, you are absolutely correct. This is breathtaking."

He smiled and they both laid down, shoulder to shoulder, and looked up at the sky.

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