The Cross pt III

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WC: 3,115

"How long does it take to go two miles and back in a car?" Pope asked. "I feel like they're taking a minute. Should I go look for them? Should I go find them and bring them back?"

John B put his bandana in his mouth, "I don't... I don't know. Just give me a sec."

"Damn it! Every time! Why do we gotta send JJ and Kiara, the slowest people on earth? I had hope Bella could keep them on track! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! This is always happening to us. Like we're always right there, and then it's bullshit." Pope made his way back over to them. "Okay, okay, so here's something I think we can do. We can maybe find something to leverage the Twinkie and you can drive it out."

"Let's do driftwood," John B said. 

"Yeah driftwood will work."

"Alright, alright, be safe, alright?" John B said as they did a handshake.

"Let me know it you find anything."

"I will."

"Hey Pope!"


"Nothing smaller than three feet, big pieces."

"I gotchu."


"Hey pull up to Home Food here, I'm gonna need provisions," Luke said.

Kiara pulls up and JJ gets out.

"Crackers, and baked beans, and tuna, alright. And some salt and pepper."


"Five days' worth."

"I know."

Luke sat back and flinched when he looked at Bella, "Damn kid. That stare." He chuckled. "If looks could kill I'd be dead right now."

"Shame they can't," Bella crossed her arms. "But other things can."

"You're a terrible father, did you know that?" Kiara spoke up.

"Yeah, preach it to me. Set me straight."

Kiara shook her head, "Do you have any idea how special your son is? Like even a clue?"

"He's a thief is what he is."

"I'd be careful with your words, Luke," Bella snarled.

He looked at her and flinched again, "Damn kid. If you're ever thrown in prison you'll do just fine."

"What are you?" Kiara asked him. "You're just a wasted local salt who never did shit but get messed up and hustle people. Not exactly impressive."

"You know you sound just like your mama. She was just like that in high school. Always thought she was better than everybody else. Kook princess." Luke leaned forward, "You know, I bet you're a lot like your mama. Slumming with the bad boys. Are you an ungrateful shit like she was? I bet you are. Miss figure eight, hopping up there on your high horse, riding around in daddy's car."

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