The Coastal Venture pt III

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"There they are, hey!" Cleo shouted.

"JJ!" Pope and John B yell seeing him unresponsive. "JJ!"

Pope rushed to the side as they came up to them, "Oh my god!"

"JJ!" John B saw Bella go under again, and saw her push JJ up, but her grip was weakening, "No, no, no, no!"

"Come on, come on."

Pope and John B grab onto JJ and start to pull. Bella feels this and removes her arms from around his waist and shoves.

Sarah grabs onto Kiara's arm and pulls her in with the help of Cleo.

Bella resurfaces, panting. JJ leaves her arms and John B and Pope have him almost on board. She swims to the right of them and grabs onto the lifeboat, trying to pull herself up, but she doesn't have enough strength to. She starts to slip.

John B sees her and grabs her arm, "Bell! No, no, no!" Pope is holding onto JJ, and Kiara is sitting next to Sarah and Cleo. "Bell!"

Bella's head goes under the water one last time before John B gets a better hold on her.

He pulls her as hard as he can and gets her mostly into the boat. She gasps and scrambles the rest of the way in.

John B sighs in relief. Bella's focus zones in on the passed-out JJ.

They start to drive away from the Coastal Venture.

She slides over to him and holds her ear up to his chest. She hits his sternum hard, twice with a few of her fingers, in a few different spots. She sits up and holds his head in her hands.

"Bell? Bell?" John B saw the frantic look in her eyes. The lifeboat's engine sputters. "No, no, no, hey!"

"Please!" Kiara cries. "What's going on?"

"What's happening?" Pope asks.

"Jay, come on," Bella whispers. "Don't leave me too, come on Jay."

Sarah warns, "John B."

"We're stalling out, we're stalling out," John B tries to bring the engine to life again.

Pope groans, "You serious? We're sitting ducks."

"We gotta go!" Kiara shouts.

Pope yells, "We gotta go."

"Come on Jay, wake up, please," Bella's eyes start to water.

"I'm trying. Forward or backward?" John B asked. "If everyone just tries to relax."

Sarah sees Rafe pointing a gun at them.

"He's pointing at us," Pope sees too. "Hurry!"

"We gotta go!"

"I'm trying, ok?"

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