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The sun had faded into nothing by the time Kiara pulled into the driveway of the police station. Emelina sat in the passenger's seat, her nose taking in the smoke from Pope's newly routine.

"John B, what are we doing here?" Pope asked him since he was the one who directed Kiara here. "Somebody's gotta tell them what happened," he replied, his voice hoarse.

"Is that such a good idea?" Emelina butted in, taking off her seatbelt to switch her body around and face the boys in the backseat. Pope's loud coughs from smoking caused her to flinch suddenly.

"Woah," JJ said from the furthest spot in the back of the car, "Easy there, chief. Damn." but that didn't stop Pope from expelling air from his lungs.

Emelina moved her attention to John B, who was staring into nothing. She felt so bad for him and wished to take his pain away even though she knew she had no power to do so.

"All right," JJ patted his friend's shoulder, "I'm just gonna be real with you right now. You might end up in the lion's den, but you don't go there on purpose. It's fundamental. Just like my old man always told me, you should never ever trust cops, no matter what the circumstance is."

"Your old man's an abusive liar." Kiara reminded him.

Pope shook his head, "I agree with JJ. Fuck the police."

"You going to the dark side now?" Kiara remarked. "When's the last time the police ever helped us?" Pope questioned, waiting for an answer.

Emelina sighed and spoke up, "Look, JJ is right. We shouldn't trust them, not when Ward is on their good side."

"Peterkin looked out for me, all right? Tried to, at least. They need to know." John B said finally and Kiara nodded, causing him to open his car door and exit the vehicle.

Emelina got out of the car as well, "Wait, John B." She brought him to a halt and pulled him into an unexpected hug, squeezing him tight. His arms wrapped around her body. She felt like he needed some sort of comfort, and she couldn't watch him leave without it.

"Be careful, okay?" she said softly when their hug ended. He gave her a sad smile, "I'll try. Thanks, Lina." he said at last before his departure.

She climbed back into the car, sighing loudly and the rest of them stare at her in silence. "What, you mackin' him too?" Pope asked, inhaling the pen.

Emelina turned to glare at him and heard JJ snicker from behind. She was glad Kiara didn't catch on and question what he meant. Kiara seemed too occupied in her mind to notice.

"Kie! Start the car!" John B shouted from outside after a few minutes of being indoors. "Start the car, Kie!" he said and frantically opened the door, shoving himself inside.

unspoken thing » jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now