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Sitting at the police station was probably one of her worst nightmares. It was never a place for a girl like her even if being friends with the Pogues puts her at a higher risk.

Her cheeks were stained with tears, anxiously sitting on a bench waiting for her mother to arrive. Kiara left with her disappointed parents. She wasn't sure when she would be able to hear from her again, or anyone... as long her brain kept coming up with potential punishments her mother might spring out on her.

"I'm fucked," Emelina whispered to herself while leaning her head back on the cold wall. An officer announced that her mother had arrived and she couldn't help but feel her heart rapping against her ribs.

Her mother was quickly signing the paperwork, barely giving her daughter the side-eye. Emelina expected that. Not a single word until they were alone.

And when they were, Emelina leaned her head against the chilled car window, staring out at the dark road as they drove home. She couldn't speak. Too much was on her mind.

Anger was still bubbling from what her mother had done to JJ, but it was quieted down by the sadness and guilt of her father's truck.

She decided to bring up JJ later. "I'm sorry about the truck. It was, um, my friend who..." She cleared her throat, knowing there's no point in explaining the situation, "He feels bad."

Eleanor hummed and fixed her rearview mirror as though it never bothered her in the first place. "I've been meaning to get rid of that old thing for months now. It was taking up space in the garage."

Emelina was taken aback. "Huh?"

"Where do you think Charles' truck would go, honey?" her mother asked, the color red flashing on her face from the traffic light.

"Wait, what?"

The light turned green and her foot hit the gas pedal. "I had asked him to move in. It will be a long process before he is officially settled in but I hope you will find room to make him feel at home, alright?"

Ever since her dad passed away, it seemed like Eleanor continued with her life without her. She had to learn it the hard way when her mother started taking more of her business to the mainland, and that having the large empty house to herself was the new norm.

So, this not being discussed with her did not come as a shocker. Emelina exhaled a shaky breath, trying to keep her cool although she felt as if she would blow up any moment.

And she sort of did. "Excuse me?! Is that why you were gone all week? Packing his things? Starting a new life without me? All while trying to ruin mine...? Did you think I wouldn't find out about the paycheck you gave JJ?"

"That's enough, Emelina. I am still your mother and you will not speak to me in that tone. And as for that boy of yours, it was a test. I have yet to see a bank statement." she said and pulled into the driveway.

unspoken thing » jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now