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Uneasy nerves rushed through Emelina's body as she walked up the steps of The Wreck. One task had to be done and then she could finally close this chapter and move on.

The smell of seasoned seafood and classic dishes rushed right through her nose and she got a small wave of nostalgia. Her home away from home wasn't her home anymore, and it killed her.

Leaning on the countertop prepped by her arm, her vision stayed clear on her cellphone beneath her fingertips. She sent a brief text message to the owners of this place, informing them that she arrived. They've been contacting her weekly and today she decided to stop by.

"What are you doing here?"

Emelina looked up to find Kiara holding two beverages in her hands, ready to be sent away. Her lips pursed, "I'm grabbing my check I never collected a month ago. I'll be out of your hair in no time." Emelina replied, pretending not to care.

"Good," Kiara gave the drinks away, "I've created a new rule to not allow Kooks here. Try not to break this one, okay?"

"Are you kidding me?" Emelina scoffed, shoving her phone in her back pocket. "I'm not, actually. You and Topper are banned from here." Kiara told her, shrugging her shoulders.

"No, you aren't." Kiara's father inserted himself in the picture. Kiara shot daggers at him with her eyes while he gave Emelina a warm smile. "Why don't you girls sort this out by the dock?"

"I'm not sorting anything out with her." Kiara crossed her arms and slowly glanced at her old friend. "I just want my check, Mr. Carrera." Emelina pleaded.

"Why not leave? You get your wealth from your mom and I don't appreciate you taking hard-earned money from people who actually deserve it." Kiara said.

"Kiara," Mr. Carrera warned and scanned his eyes around the restaurant to indicate that their customers do not need to hear this, "Why don't you sort it out?" he repeated with a harder tone.

Kiara groaned and took off her apron, storming out of the restaurant. "I'll bring out your check when you get back," he told Emelina and left to the kitchen.

Emelina debated on leaving the place and never looking back, but Kiara's parents have been texting her about claiming the check. She grew to assume that they wanted a reason to force the two of them together.

She couldn't let them down. Not after all, they have done for her. From countless sleepovers when her mother hadn't come home in days, to feeding her when her home was cold and empty at night, and to giving her a job to free her mind of the cruel words said by her mother. They treated Emelina like she was their own, and she will forever be grateful.

"You know, you were someone I considered my favorite person and you had to ruin it," Kiara said as soon as Emelina met her out on the dock. She stood there in silence, unable to respond.

unspoken thing » jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now