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"Emelina! I've been looking all over for you." Topper came rushing into the room, earning loud hushes from students nearby. He quietly apologized before joining the girl at the table.

She looked up from her notes, "You know I always go to the library during my free periods."

He nodded his head toward the door, "I thought maybe we could talk?"

Emelina gulped, knowing too well where this conversation was leading. Nevertheless, she collected her books and followed him out to the hallway. "What's up?"

Topper leaned on one of the lockers and looked at her, "Can't we figure something out? Between us?"

"No, Topper. I meant what I said." Emelina replied and clutched onto her books.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "But, you're throwing away everything. I mean, our parents paired us ever since we were babies—"

"And they didn't seem to mind when you dated Sarah. I'm sure you can find another girl suitable for your parents' approval." Emelina said, already wanting this to end.

Topper was silent for a moment, taken aback by her words. "What about your mom?"

"What about my mom?" she questioned.

"Is she going to like that you replaced me with some Pogue?" he asked, venom lacing in his voice and she hated it.

Emelina shrugged and felt a buzz in her pocket from her phone, "Everybody likes JJ. He can find a way to charm my mom with his sweet words." she said sarcastically.

Topper shook his head, "I'm being serious, Emelina."

Another buzz appeared and she ignored it. "So am I. We're over, Topper. For good."

"Why are you treating me like this? What did I even do?" he asked, lowering his voice when a classmate walked past them through the hallway.

Getting fed up with the buzzing, she opened her phone to an unknown number sending a picture. John B and Sarah appeared on her screen and a gasp escaped her lips. She read the other messages within the group chat.

Kie: WTF is this you???
Unknown: Is JJ there?
JJ: I'm here Bree
Unknown: Did you pimp my short board?

"What is it?" Topper asked, noticing her sudden change in mood.

Emelina couldn't contain her excitement, but she wasn't sure if it was real or not. "Nothing. I have to get back and study for my test. We'll talk later, okay?"

She was quick to turn around and sprint out of the hallway to the courtyard where Kiara had texted her their location.

Kiara and Pope sat on different picnic tables and JJ stood there with the biggest smile she had ever seen on him.

unspoken thing » jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now