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"I made a promise to John B. I can't abandon them." Emelina told her boyfriend, standing in his kitchen with her heart beating rapidly.

Topper closed his eyes to process her reasoning. "I don't understand... You're breaking up with me because you want to go back to your little friends? Since when do they interfere with our relationship?"

"They don't! I... I just don't see us working." Emelina said, tucking her hair behind her ear before looking away from his gaze. Might as well get it over with, and to her thinking, she figured it wouldn't be too hard considering this had been done before.


"Because... something happened," she revealed, sighing in the process.

"What happened, Emelina? Look at me when I talk to you." Topper said, using his hand to turn her chin and force her eyes on his.

Her heart continued to pump faster and faster, almost feeling as if it was radiating off of her skin, almost as if Topper could feel it. He released his grip on her chin and stared at her for an answer.

She had to tell him the truth. The whole reason the pogues separated was because of her lies and even though the reasoning behind the breakup wasn't necessarily faithful, he still deserved to know.

"Before my friends and I parted our ways... I had a thing if you would call it that, with JJ and I don't think those feelings went away." Think, no, she knew.

"JJ?" he questioned, stunned. He blinked, "Oh, did he threaten your head with a gun to think like this?"

She rolled her eyes, "No."

"So you're leaving me? For him?"

"Not for him. For you. You deserve a girl who loves you. I can't be that girl."

A hurt expression washed over his face, "Are you even fazed by this? Did you even care about me when you came to my house at midnight crying your eyes out? Did you?"

She remembered that night a month ago. Being upset over her friends' deaths tied to losing her friendship with the pogues was not a good mix, and it resulted in her turning to Topper for an ounce of comfort.

"I care about you, Topper. I always will, but nothing can bring back what we once had. I'm sorry." she told him and there was truth behind her words.

"You're sorry?" Topper scoffed. "No, you wouldn't be sorry if you came back to me knowing you liked someone else."

Emelina crossed her arms against her chest, "I-I thought it'd help me move on. It didn't, clearly." 

"Jesus Christ, Emelina! What kind of person did you turn into?"

"I've changed a lot in the past year we weren't together. My whole life turned upside down," she reminded him, referring to the loss of her father, "you know that better than anyone!"

unspoken thing » jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now