chapter 27

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Y/n pov:

I walked to the wreck and ordered  then sat in the corner table. Once I was done I got up and grabbed my bag, I bumped into someone.

"Sorry I didn't pay attention to where I was going" he picked up my bag and handed it to me.

"Are you new to outer banks?" I've never seen him around, "yeah me and my family just moved here" he smiled

"Sorry I never told you my name, I'm Anthony " he rubbed the back of his neck

"Are you a new kook or something?" I said "what's a kook?" He looked confused, "basically does your family have money" I laughed a little

"Yeah we live on the north side? What do you live on the south side?" He looked at me

"Yeah, we are called pogues" I looked at my phone and noticed it was getting late. "Sorry I should get going"
I started walking away until he grabbed my wrist tightly but not tight  enough to hurt me.

"Can I have your number so we can talk more? I know no one around here so could you show me around?" He said,I hesitated  but decided to give him it. (Sorry if this is boring but it will get interesting soon I promise!)

It was 11:00 PM when I got home, "jj! John B! I'm home!" I yelled and sat on the couch

Then I got a text from rafe


Hey are you up?


Yeah why?


Can we meet at the beach?


It's a little late is it important?


Yeah so come on I'll pick you up!

I smiled and put on more comfortable clothes, i put on my slide ons and waited outside.

Rafe pulled up and i got in his car, we drove to the beach and we sat on the sand for a little.

"Rafe... What did you need to talk about?" I said kinda sleepy, he hugs me and laughs a little.

"Sorry it wasn't important i just missed you so much...."he said and kissed my forehead, "you dummy I've missed you to but it's almost 1 in the morning and we have school" i  laughed

We sat on the beach for 20 more minutes then he took me back home, "sleep well princess... Love you... " he said sadly

"I love you too... Rafe don't be sad I'll see you at school and we can go on a date after school..." I smiled and kissed him goodbye

I got out of the car and walked into the house, i saw jj asleep on the floor and john B asleep on the couch.

"Uh guys why aren't you in your beds?" I poked them, they didn't move so i started dragging them to there rooms. I laid on the couch and slowly fell asleep.

The next morning i got ready for school (you pick what you want to wear) rafe picked me up.

"Rafe i thought we agreed that you stop putting gel in your hair!" I ruffled his hair while he drove.

"Hey this took me 30 minutes to do!" He tried to fix his hair, "why don't you let me drive!" I said

"Cause the last thing i need you to do us crash my expensive car!" Rafe laughed

He parked and we got out, he put he's arm around me and when we walked in all the kooks looked at us.

I glared at them then headed to class with kie and sarah, class was starting as we all sit down. My mom isn't here today...

Then Anthony walked in, "hey come sit over here!" I yelled over to him. He sat behind me and kie just looked at me.

It's been a few weeks, Anthony has met rafe. Rafe gets jealous around him but i think he's warming up to him...i think😅

Me, kie, pope and Anthony went to the wreck to study for this test in English. Then Anthony's phone started ringing, he answered it. "Oh hey dad, yeah I'll be there... See you soon" he hung up

"Sorry guys i need to get going" he grabbed his bag and left, 20 minutes later my phone rang. "A unknown number?" I answer it thinking jj had lost his phone again and used the library's.

"Hello" laughing in my head thinking jj is going to ask me to help find his phone, "hello y/n, we need to talk meet me at my house I'll text you the address and bring jj please" my mom said then hung up

I really didn't what to go but i need to tell her face to face to stay out of my life for once in for all... "Sorry guys i need to go... I'll see you guys tomorrow" i kissed rafe and ran out before they could say anything.

JJ and I got to the address she sent us and knocked on the door, "her house is so nice..." JJ scoffed

She opened the door and let us in, we walk into the kitchen. We see a guy close to my dads age sitting on one end of the table and a little boy sitting on next to him.

"Have a seat... My other step son is upstairs getting dressed!" My mom said and sat down.

Me and JJ looked at each other and sat down, then i heard foot steps coming downstairs. I look over to see Anthony...

He looks at me then sits down,
"w-wait... Your the other son... You knew i was her daughter...." I said in shock

"Yeah i did..." He smiled

(I hope that was good😅 but for real tho i am willing to marry any one at this point😏 just say yes and boom were married👀)

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