chapter 3

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(Tell me if you want a rafe pov soon)

Y/n pov:

I saw john B fall into the water.
I ran over to him and tried to drag him out of the water.
"JJ! KEI! POPE! i need help!"
They finally stopped arguing and helped me pull him onto the sand.


It was the next morning, I got up said goodbye to my brother and went to the Cameron's. This time it wasn't or clean up, sarah asked me to come over. I have no clue why, i know we are friends now but i am still a pouge...

I got to the front door and knocked.
Rafe answered the door
"I knew you would come back" he winks at me. "Don't flatter yourself sarah asked me to come over" I did smiled.

I see sarah come down the stairs,
"Rafe leave y/n alone!" She pulls me inside and dragged me up to her room. After a couple of hours sarah's mom invited me to lunch with them.
I agreed and we sat down and i could see sarah's mom looking at me.

"So y/n..." Sarah's step mom puts her fork down. "I hear you father is abusive"
My eyes widened "rose, don't be rude to her!!" Sarah put her chair closer to me

"Or maybe its all the drugs he does or maybe the alcohol"
She smirked at me "i- i need to use the bathroom excuse me" didn't wait for a replies I just ran into the house sarah followed me.

"I am so sorry about rose..." she hugs me, i was already in tears.
I hugged her tightly, then she told me where the bathroom was to freshen up.

I was walking out of the bathroom when i hit something hard. I look up to see rafe, he started to walk closer so i was backing up and I ended up in the bathroom again.

(Ok warning there is making out and kissing so if you don't like that then skip😗✌)

He waited till we were both in the bathroom then he locks the door behind him. He grabbed my waist
(Why am i so cringy😗✌)

He kissed me roughly but was still gentle. We made out of a around ten minutes then sarah knocked on the door. "Y/n, are you ok.." She sounded worried i stopped making out with rafe so i could let her know i was ok.

"Yeah i am just fixing my make up"
"Oh ok well meet me in my room when you done" then i heard her footsteps walking way.

"Ok rafe i got to go" i laugh unlocking the door and before I left rafe kissed me but it was gentle.

"What I cant get a goodbye kiss" he smirks, i face was probably red but i shook it off and went to Sarah's room.

Me and sarah went to her boat.
We saw john B cause he works for Sarah's dad. I pulled john B aside

"Why are you with sarah" john B whisper yelled "cause i can just don't tell JJ please" jj would kill me if he knew i was hanging around kook's.
"Fine but you owe me" he laughs

Him and sarah talk I didn't care to listen cause i saw a book shelf in the boat so I sat there and read some.

"Hey!, y/n are you coming or not!"
I heard john B yell.
"Coming, see you later sarah"
"Bye" she smiled


We were sitting in the marsh were the wreck was so john B could go see if he could find anything on the boat.

"Does anyone know how to dive" kei looked around the boat.
I was about to rise my hand until jj said something. "Don't you even think about it" jj had a serious face on.

John B said he would do it.
Kei went over to me and asked if I could tie my shirt to the chain underwater at a few meters i said sure.

I started to take off my shirt with my bikini under it. Then i jumped in the water with kei cause i couldn't swim well...

"What was she thinking" jj pissed that she did that infront of the boys.
"I don't know but, it was hot" john B said just to tease jj. "Not funny man" still mad.

Kei helped me on the boat,
"Y/n tied her shirt to 10 feet to the anchor chain"
I cough A little and jj takes gives me a hoodie he had in a seat.

I was looking at my book until i saw kei kiss john B on the cheek.
My face went awe, i knew kei liked him but we have this rule no pouge on pouge macking, but john B went into the water even tho he didn't have a lot of air in his tank.

I continued to read my book until we heard sirens "shit, JJ" pope scared to get in trouble.

"What are you kids doing, you know the marsh is closed" the police officer said. All of my friends looked at me, because i am the best liar.
"No sir we didn't know why is it closed" I said in my innocent voice.

"A boat went down we have people looking for it" he said believing my act. "Have you seen anything"
"No sir, but we will tell You if we see anything" i did a fake smile.

"Where's your other friend that's always with you" he was obviously talking about john B.
"He had to work today, it was sad cause i wanted him to help me swim better" i said putting on a fake sad face

"Mind if I check you little boat out"
"Of course not officer" I put my book down and moved to the other side of the boat. He checked everything and left john B came up.

(I know this book is really bad and cringy but it would be nice if you could vote 👉👈)

rafe Cameron x reader. ( jj's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now