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As soon as Lexie walked inside, her mother gasped, "its 10:00! and why are you drenched!" before she could respond, "you know what, i don't want to hear a stupid excuse, go get yourself cleaned up and to bed. Lexie nodded her head. "goodnight" she whispered.

To say that Lexie was terrified of this woman was a understatement, it was like living in a house you know bad things have happened in, and not being able to control the thought of thinking that one day it might be yourself on the floor with blood pouring from your head. For years Lexie ached for a mum she could tell her secrets to, and gossip about girls and her crushes. This woman couldn't be that, no matter how hard she tried, she was a miserable, horrific, snob of a woman. Aunty Jo will forever be a mother to Lexie, she helped her father raise her, even  sold her house moved in with Lexie and her dad, since then, they've been inseparable. Her mother could learn a few tips from Aunt Jo.

Laying on her bed, Lexie plucked the strings of her guitar to play a soft tune she had come up with, maybe one day she'll put lyrics to it. Once she woke up the next morning she walked to the kitchen in her pyjamas, "good morning" Lexie smiled at her mum, she looked her up and down, "what are plans for today?, better not be staying in the house all day"

"um yeah, actually i'm going to hang out with a girl i met yesterday at the bonfire" Lexie smiled innocently up at her, she don't know what she would do if she realised it was also with boys, and... that they were pogues. "where does she live?" she asked, "not sure, somewhere on the north side of the island with her parents"

"oh so she's rich" she put on a surprised look, "uh yeah of course!" Lexie said quickly.

"good, well me and your father will be going away tomorrow morning, so you'll be by yourself for the next two weeks okay?" Lexie's heart pounced in her chest when she called Anthony her father but she wasn't going to test her, she was just happy they were leaving.

"of course" Lexie spoke, "we are going golfing today, so make sure you stay safe with this girl, will you be home for dinner?" she asked, trying to be motherly.

"um not sure but i'll message you!" Lexie smiled up at her.

she scoffed, "not me, the cook!" she shook her head, "oh yeah sorry i will" she didn't say anything else, just walked out the door. Lexie sighed, slowly walking back to her room to get changed, this time she wore a dark green matching swimsuit with a band shirt over top and some denim shorts, she placed her hair out and sunnies on her head and decided to take her guitar with her.

- - -

Lexie left her bike in his front yard, she knocked at the door but no one answered, she heard laughter from outside so walked around to find them giggling at who knows what. "Lexie!!" Kiara jumped up and hugged her.

At first Lexie was taken back but quickly hugged her back, John B threw Lexie and beer as she sat down in their little circle, getting off looks from JJ.

"see you brought your guitar!" Pope chirped, "yeah but i'll play it a little later" him and John B simutainsley said yes and high fived and Kiara giggled. "oh if you wanna stay tonight your more than welcome, everyone one is, you can bunk with Kie" John B said.

"awesome thanks! uh- whose Kie?" Lexie asked. JJ scoffed, "Kiara"

"ohh"  her and Kie both giggled while JJ went sour again.

"i have a plan how to to get closer to the graddy, but we will have to do it today before they find it" JJ said, "i don't know guys, Peterkin said she'll help me out with DCS if i stay out of the marsh" John B said, him and JJ argued about it for a while until he finally convinced John B to do it.

"so all we gotta do is get onto Ward Camerons boat and i'll get the scuba gear" John B said, Lexie started to get confused. "Lexie does Sarah still like you?" John B asked, "i mean no, but i can apologise to her if you need something from her?" the girl offered.

"no no no no, this is pogue business, no room for you kook." JJ spat at me. "excuse me" Lexie stood up. "your a kook" JJ repeated.

" do i look like a rich snob to you JJ, did i act like one last night or do think i got hit in the face and pushed over for the fun of it" Lexie said sarcastically said back. "you just moved here, how can we trust that you won't go blabbing!" he rose his voice.

"oh i don't know maybe because i don't have any other fucking friends!" Lexie shouted back

"guys guys chill" Pope said, Kiara stood behind Lexie holding her arm. "JJ, we trust her, we like her, plus she can help us a lot with this" John B said, JJ calmed down and sat back down drinking his beer staring at the girl.

"Lexie, the plan is, i need to get on to the boat for scuba gear, we will park the boat next to theirs but, we will meet you there. if you can go and do a fake apology to Sarah just to distract her, that'll be great" John B said.Lexie smiled happily at him, "i'd love to!"

"after this you will proven you have our trust, and can help us with our.. adventures, of course if you want" Pope said, he looks over to John B who couldn't compress their smiles. "sounds good to me!" JJ scoffed and rolled his eyes.

- - -

Lexie stood there at the Camerons driveway, Rose answered the door, leading her outside were Sarah was sunbaking by the pool and Rafe was working out, of course the boat behind them on their dock.

Lexie cleared her throat to get their attention. Rafe looked her up and down, "what are you doing here?" she sighed, " i need to talk to Sarah, do you think you can give us a minute?" Lexie saw behind him the rest pull the boat up, John B and JJ peeking around the corner of their boat, wtaching the girl for a signal.

Rafe grabbed onto her arm and pulled her close, "i'll accept my apology in a different way" Lexie pushed him away and threw him a look, he laughed while walking inside. Lexie took a deep breath and walked over to Sarah. "hey?" she said.

she sat up facing Lexie, while she threw her shirt one, Lexie quickly signalled for the boys to get the scuba gear, "what?" she said in a monotone voice. "i wanted to apologise for yesterday, it's just that i never had seen something like that"

"well get used it, pogues and kooks fight all the time" now in a bitchy tone, "well next time some warning would be great" Lexie rolled her eyes at Sarah.

"what so you want to be friends again or what?" Lexie pondered on her question, she didn't want to but for the purpose of a distraction. "yeah" she said.

"only if you don't go pogue again on me, god they piss me off, especially Kiara, she's a traitor." she laid back down now facing the sun, sunnies on her face.

Lexie try to hold back the anger in her. "traitor? what because she didn't want to be friends with you?" Lexie scoffed and scrunched her face.

"she's problematic!" Sarah shouted, causing Lexie's jaw to slightly drop, then noticing saw the boys run off the boat, JJ almost tripping over, Lexie watched as the boat drove off. "fuck me Sarah" she whispered. "what?"

"she isn't the problem, you are, you treat people shitty and your a rich snob, go back to your tanning and forget i said anything." She walked off not waiting for an answer.

Lexie quickly stopped in at home to grab some clothes to stay in, hoping to avoid her mother.


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