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*TW - violence and abuse mentioned!*

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The air was uneasy, Lexie sat down listening and taking in what we just discovered. JJ talking about how cool it was. John b hid at the wall, silently sobbing. "can you - can you please?" Kiara tried talking "sorry" jj put his head down, realizing what was happening.

The four of them sharing concerned look. Kiara walked over to the boy and held him as he continued to sob.

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They all moved outside, Lexie was strumming her guitar playing quiet tunes. The air was still tense, there is so much about to happen in the future, and though we are excited for what its holding, they all sat quietly, comforting our friend as he started to accept that his father was gone. 

about 15 minutes went by and they stayed sitting on the doc. "how much was it again" JJ asked. 'Four hundred mill" pope answered. JJ sighed, "all right, lets talk about the split"

They all looked up at him, "Now, before we say 'evenly' may i remind you that i am the only one here who can defend us from those groupers who are after us" he said holding his gun up. "the one time we needed the bloody gun, you didn't have it" Lexie said sarcastically at him.

"i thought we'd be safe at the chateau, i wasn't expecting them to come!" he said back defensively. Lexie just put her head back against the pole, looking at the stars. "you haven't even trained, 0 training!" pope now said to JJ. "YouTube bro!" he said louder.

Kiara and Lexie looked at each other seriously, but bursted into a fit of giggles. "any objections" JJ said, mainly looking at the girls, they didn't say anything to him. "didn't think so" he muttered, Lexie shuffled her positioned so she could look up at the stars.

- - -

That was one thing no one knew about Lexie, just how much she loved the night sky and the stars, she would sit on her windowsill at night, even climb onto the roof just to admire them. She loved the stories her Grandmother told about them, each one a different and unique, she always matched them up, and took notes of the sun and moon signs.

Not happy with hers, being a Capricorn woman, people always believed that she would succeed in business in her life. But she hated the thought of business, or anything smart or preppy. though she was extremely smart, she wanted to travel the world, surf at each destination, go exploring and live a fun and carefree life.

While she was taken away from her thoughts, JJ started to get lost in his, he watched and noticed the girl, how her smile was wide, the dimples in her cheeks, surrounded by some freckles, her lashes were naturally long, and her eyes sparkled in response to the stars. Each little feature on her face he noticed while she sat in the moon light. Feeling warmth flood through his body.

"what are you going to do with 100 mill pope?" Kiara asked, pulling, JJ and Lexie from thier thoughts. He thought about it for a second, "pay for college in advance, and also textbooks. Those are expensive" he said, looking memorised up at Kie.

'"how about you Kie?" JJ asked her, "Yeah what does a socialist do when she's rich?" pope sarcastically said. the girl chuckled, "Just wanna make a double album" she shrugged smiling, "About OBX, the pogues, you know, the way 'catch the fire' is about Kingston, record it at Marley Studio, Peter Tosh producing" she smiled, biting her lip at her dream.

"Peter Tosh is dead" Lexie said at the girl, compressing her grin, "i know, but spirit of Peter Tosh will never die" they all chuckled at the girl. "what about you Lex?"

"Travel, surf at each to destination, and once i return, give some to my aunt jo, as a thankyou and i miss you sorta thing, and of course my band back in Australia so they record our - their album" she said, realizing she wasn't a part of it anymore, but smiling at the thought of them succeeding. Kiara smiled at her. JJ stared, thinking to himself about how he also wants to travel, smiling at his thoughts.

"That's dope Lex" Pope said, the girl smiled at him in return. "what about you JJ?" She asked, his head shot up at the girl, he smirked, "I'm gonna get a big ass house on Figure Eight and go full Kook"

"your gonna go full Kook?" Pope said laughing. "yup"

"gonna get a marble statue of myself, and then i'm gonna get a koi pond. Put a bunch of those fish-" Kiara cut him off, "i'm never visiting" She giggled.

The girls laughed as JJ stuck the finger at her. "What are you gonna do JB?" pope asked. They all looked up, waiting for his response. "To going full kook" their smiles lit up. chuckling being relieved their friend was happy.

"to going full kook!" we all toasted, cheered and skulled out drinks.

Just as they all sat back down a black SUV pulled up, they all shared nervous looks around, ducking. "ALEXIS! GET HERE NOW!" her chest became heavy and her breathing pitched. They all looked at her, she sent them an apologetic look, "i'll see you guys tomorrow morning"

"wait Lex-" Kiara said trying to convince her to hide, "it's okay, its my step dad Anthony, if i don't it's just gonna be worse" She threw her a smile, "whats going to be worse?" jj asked, looking almost worried for the girl. She smiled at him and walk up towards the house were he parked.

"what the fuck do you think your doing here! your mother said you were with a girl from the other night!" Anthony said angrily. "i was! there was a group of us!" Lexie yelled back.

"do not speak to me like that Alexis" he said sternly getting into the car. She took a deep breath, her friends peeking around the corner watching. Her hand shaking has she reached for the handle.

The whole drive home they were silent, she placed herself the furthest away she could from him, looking out the window. They walked inside, Lexie just tried to go straight up to her room. but stopped on the stairs and turned to the man. "why are you here? shouldn't you be vacation?" she said with a attitude.

"your mother got a call, someone had seen you with a girl and some black boy" She winced at the way he described pope.

"i said there was a group of us"

"did you sleep with one of them?" he asked quickly, grabbing onto her wrist.

She looked disgusted at him, "they are my friends!" She tried to get out of his grip but failed. "Your a little slut Alexis, i'll kill that baby"

"what baby! Let the fuck go of me!" she snapped at him. "don't speak to your father like that!" he barked back at her.

"Your not my father!" she yelled, bad decision as her face had collided with his palm. She looked back up at him, tears welting in her eyes. she pushed him in the chest, causing him to trip down the stairs. "You bitch" he spat, getting up, She turned and sprinted up the stairs and into the bathroom, trying to hold the door down to lock it.

He followed closely but got there in time to push the door, making the girl slam on the cold tiled floor. "please - please don't -"  a tear escaping her eye.

"god your pathetic" the 30 year old man, started to kick her ribs, she winced at each hit, tears now freely following out. He stopped to pick her up by the shirt. He pushed her against the wall, punching all his anger out on the girls stomach. He let go, she fell to the ground limp.

"i'm going back on vacation now, no more boys, no more pogues. your not getting pregnant." he spat on her and left the girl, blood coming from her mouth, her stomach had cuts on it, purple bruises already forming all of it. Her ribs ached. She couldn't stand.

She pulled her way into the shower, slowly and carefully taking of her clothing. she remained on the ground letting the hot water cover her, slowly closing her eyes.

- - -

She woke up the next morning in pain, not the worst pain she has felt though previously. She realized she was in her bed, she pulled herself to sit up, she had a band aid on her face, covering the smooth cut on her cheek, and a bandage wrapped around her torso.

"how are you feeling?" Ms Lana walked in the room carrying some pain killers and a glass of water. "did you -" Lexie looked at the woman who smiled at her. "you helped me, i owe you everything"

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