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The Pogues were now on thier way back to the church, the had got some equipment to help and take back the cross without it being seen and without damaging it. 

Pope decided he would drive Kiara's dad's car while she sat in the passenger seat. The last problem was that there was only three seats in the back, Sarah and John B sat in the seats next to JJ where he made Lexie sit on his lap, she wasn't complaining though. He was rubbing his hand on her inner thigh, sending shivers all through her body. 

"uh Pope, your driving pretty fast" Sarah said from next to Lexie, squeezing her hand. 

Pope 'whooped' in response. "pope, last to judge, but i think you should slow down a little" JJ said before after smiling at Lexie and placing a kiss on the back of her neck. 

"that would defiantly delay our arrival to the cross. we gotta get there" Pope said determinedly, Kie turned around and looked between the four, "why did we let him drive again?" 

Lexie stifled a laugh before shuffling into a more comfortable position. JJ held in a groan "hey love" he whispered in her ear, "yeah?"

"stop moving" JJ said in a low voice, a smile grew on her face, "or you'll have to fix it" Lexie bit her lip and looked at him, "i'll fix it later" 

JJ was about to say something but thier conversation was cut short by sudden shouting, pope had turned around and was facing the group, still going fast. "pope!" 

"pope watch the trees!" 

"eyes on the road!"

"slow down!"

Pope tried to pass another car in front, nearly collided head on with an oncoming car instead he served just in time. 

"pope look at the road!" John B shouted at the boy again, the turned the wheel, causing the tires to screech all the way into a tree. 

Lexie felt a sudden force on her head, JJ mainly guarded any glass and held her during the crash but her head was slung sideways into the window, "ahh fuck" Lexie groaned as she rubbed her head. 

Everyone else was grunting, Kie started to cough as she got out of the car, "is everyone okay?" John b asked. Hearing noise made Lexie's head pound faster than ever. "i think so" Sarah responded. 

Kie helped to pull open the door as one by one they climbed out. "you okay my girl?" JJ said behind Lexie, "yeah, considering, you?" 

"could be better" he smiled at her causing her to smile back and roll her eyes. "well, thats the last time you drive Pope" Jj said adverting his focus. 

"my dad's truck, no no no" Kie said looking at the damage, "my parents are going to kill me" she sat on the cold road, Lexie soon joined her, hugging her side.

Sarah joined them, running her hands threw her hair. "weren't they going to do that anyway?" JJ smugly questioned. "helpful, thankyou" the girl all stood and walked back to the car. 

"we are going to have to walk the rest of the way" Pope said, not caring about the car or himself. 

"dude" the girls looked at him weirdly, "i'm going to get my cross" he said starting to walk down the road. 

"Pope how do you expect to bring it back?" Lexie called out, He threw his arms up, "i'll figure it out" 

"hey relax for a second" John B tried to stop him, "get off of me" Pope said angrily. "no i'm trying to help" 

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